Sound card recommendation wanted


I’m looking for recommendations for sound cards to use with mAirList.

Ideally I’d like to feed the mixer with separate channels for two music decks and a third (and possibly fourth) for carts. Also need pre fade.

What would you suggest?



I have a 2004 edition M-Audio Delta 410 which gives me 4 stereo outs and a stereo in - that brand is a good place to start but of course that model is no longer available. Psquared appear to supply the M-Audio 1010 with their Myriad package. Echo Gina is also a good name: Remember that these aren’t £15 sound cards :slight_smile:

That said, an SB Audigy can produce multiple stereo outputs - it really depends upon your budget.

BSI (Simian) recommend Audioscience cards which appear to be excellent but very expensive.

They are capable of handling multi streams and squeezing and expanding to enable the log to fit an hour exactly. But that comes at a cost and I’m not sure from what I’ve read about mAirList that this is necessary.

Unless you’re planning to feed into a DAB mux or something (?), Audioscience cards are completely OTT in both performance and price.

Any card from cheap-and-cheerful (e.g. SB Live or similar) upwards is fine. That’s what Leith FM uses. At home, I use a Terratec EWX24/96; but that was bought for moving vinyl to CD. ;D


Hi Cad,

Thats just the sort of advice that reinforces my decision to put time, effort and money into building up a system around mAirList.



What’s good for Leith is also good for Phoenix FM in Brentwood… We’re using the on-board sound device as we’ve got several new Vista machines. This is more by accident than design - Jazler was being used before and the old PC finally gave up one day so we switched to mAirList and as the PC is in use 24/7, haven’t had a chance to put a 2nd card in.

We’re using 1 output for Playlist (with 2 Players) and a 2nd for Cartwall/PFL.

Get two “M-Audio Delta 44” soundcards.

Each one features 4 outputs (coupled in stereo, so basically 2 stereo) and 4 mono inputs.

It’s PCI based and we use 2 at our school station.

It all depends on your budget.

And prefade isn’t really a special function with the soundcards…the way i do it and thought nearly everyone does it, is bring the fader down and prefade it via the mixer, the outputs do not matter, just simply play the audio. Mairlist can do all the routing for you and outputs etc.

Thanks, Ryan.

That’s a good way of doing it - My own studio setup is 3 Players and a Cartwall/ExtraPFL on my 4 output M-Audio Delta 410. The individual Player PFLs are assigned to their own channels but the Extra PFL window is always on the 4th channel. I set Phoenix’s up so that it would mimic Jazler as much as possible in terms of layout and operation so that members could easily make the transition - only 1 fader for automation and any editing can be done on the 2nd channel using pre-fade.