skin customization

I’ve successfully customized the GUI to my liking :), except that I’m stuck on a couple items. I’ve looked over some examples and still can’t get a few details to work.

  1. I’ve given the NEXT and ON-AIR rows custom font. However, I wish to further customize and color the font in the specific NEXT and ON-AIR boxes different from font color of the row (ex: the NEXT font would be blue and the row font would be green).

  2. The toolbar icons: is it possible to color the minimal grey background that directly surrounds each icon. I’m guessing that this is not possible because the grey background is part of the icon, yes? If so, is there a way to place a colored border around the icons.

I’d appreciate any help. But I’m not asking for someone to do the work for me. If you could just point me to some examples or instruction that would be more than enough effort on you part. Thank you.

Best regards, Alec.

Point 2 (Toolbar button background):
This colour is NOT part of the icon: it is ‘inherited’ from your Windows display settings.

There are two ways you can change this colour:

  1. Change your Windows Display settings so that 3D Objects is the colour you want.
    Note that this will change most of the mAirList ‘background’ as well as your start menu and Taskbar, plus MANY other parts of Windows. So it’s probably not what you want.

  2. Copy the icons used by mAirList (they are from the Nuvola set, and I can send you a list of the icons used) and use a graphics program to ‘colour’ the backgrounds or add the ‘border’ you want.
    You need to save the modified icons WITH THE SAME FILE NAMES and then put your coloured copies in the mAirList images folder (you may need to create this folder, PLUS there are other specific folders you need to create: details on request).

If you want to go with option 2, let me know and I’ll post further details later (no time just now).

PS: I’m assuming here that you DO mean the toolbar icons like Open, Save, Insert, etc.; NOT the icons displayed beside items in the Playlist: correct?



Thanks for replying. Yes, I’m talking about the toolbar icons: insert, delete, open, save, etc.

Here’s what I did: I added a black background to the main window in skin.ini and now only the icons, and the slightly grey area surrounding the icons, are visible. I can’t see the text (save, open, etc), obviously, because the font is black. I understand that I’ll need to modify the Windows area around the icon, but can the text be changed in skin.ini?

Or is there a skin.ini modification that I can make to the entire toolbar without copying and using a graphics program? To your earlier suggestion, I’ll also try to change the 3D properties and see how that works.

Thanks again for you assistance.

Regards, Alec


No. To repeat: the toolbar background colour (including the toolbar button background colour) is defined by WINDOWS and not by mAirList. mAirList uses your chosen WINDOWS 3D Objects* colour for this.

(*This is the setting name in XP. I have no idea what it’s called in later OSs because I don’t use either Vista or Win7.)


“If you want to go with option 2, let me know and I’ll post further details later (no time just now).”


Thanks. Yes, if you could post details regarding how to change the MS background, I would appreciate it.

Thank you.

Regards, Alec

I’m not sure I understand you, Alec.

If you actually meant option 1 (change the Windows colours), the way you do this in XP is:

  1. Right-click blank area of Desktop.
  2. On context menu, click Properties.
  3. On Display Properties dialog, click Appearance, Advanced.
  4. On Advanced Appearance dialog:
    • select 3D Objects on the Item list,
    • change Color 1 to the colour you want,
    • click OK.
  5. On Display Properties dialog, click Apply, then OK.
    Later version of Windows no doubt have a more complicated method, but since I don’t use Vista or Win7, I’m sure you can find the equivalent steps if you need to.

The disadvantage of this is that it changes EVERY program in Windows, and still may not be what you actually want to do.

If you truly meant option 2, I don’t understand what you mean by ‘MS background?’ Option 2 requires you to download the Nuvola icon set and manually change maybe 200 icons using a graphics editing program to have a coloured (non-transparent) background, then copying the changed files into a mAirList images\nuvola folder.