I’m sure a LAN is much faster as you say CAD. After all, 100Mbps vs 115.2Kbps is certainly much faster.
These are the main things I want to achieve that TCP/IP can’t.
1, to automate external rs232 broadcast device swtiching, such as an audio switcher. This is to mute the audio sent over an STL or Internet Stream to another station/studio while syndicating a show.
2, send another rs232 signal that gets encoded in sync along with the audio or over the STL to tell the station at the other end to start it’s playlist of items timed for the duration of silent breaks being offered. (I should have mentioned that the second mAirList machine won’t be side by side eventually, as it’ll be at another station handling their own break-out material).
3, send a serial command to un-mute an switcher to resume programming through the audio stream to the other station.
However in order to achieve that, it’s not the serial port speed that’s of big concern (so LAN speed doesn’t offer much difference), it’s getting those commands running from the playlist before the automation system decides to start the next audio event. At the moment, mAirList plays the first 600ms or thereabouts of the next audio item, before the command has been processed. This isn’t a problem with mAirList, it’s just not really ready for time critical scripting at present. Something Torben is very kindly looking in to.
I should have mentioned, ideally, the second mAirList PC is at another station being used for their own needs and inserting their own material, then they are able to hook up their audio decoding device’s rs232 port to mAirList and watch and act on network control signals coming down the line. That is the easy part and mAirList can already do it. If the second mAirList machine encounters a delay of 600ms of starting time it’s not so much of an issue, as the last item playing can be a local jingle if the network audio starts again with a song playing over the end of the jingle by 600ms.
The key issue, is muting audio and getting strings sent from the first mAirList PC to make sure there’s no audio present when it’s time for there to be silence going to the other studios. Rather than firing off the next event before this process is completed.
RS232 is also a good thing to have up an automation systems sleeve. It offers interfacing to satellite news receivers that hook up with rs232 to delivery start/stop cue’s and switch audio processor presets, transmitter settings with rs232 at remote sites etc… and more useful, network break out control signally for syndication etc…
edited: To tidy up my mess while writing this late last night.