Record to cartwall

Hi Torben, something very Myriad like (to non UK members here - Myriad perhaps the market leading playout software) would be the addition of being able to record direct to an empty cart. Very useful when voicetracking.

The workaround we use is to record and save to a known folder. Charlies little mAirList add utility makes the audio easy to find and drag into a playlist.

Kind Regards tony

Interesting idea, Tony.

Since we both know that Myriad and mAirList work in very different ways, any ‘record to cart’ facility in mAirList would in effect be doing the same as your current workaround, since a ‘cart’ in Myriad is actually an audio file. :wink:

So the mAirList equivalent would be: record the file and, after saving, immediately add its details to the mAirList database. Right, Torben?