read mmd


Made a bit of a mistake. I have recently just set all my files so that they read from filetag, whereas before they all had mmd files.

Basically, what i did was put all files into the playlist, so that they could get the cue in/fade out points set using scripting and then saving to filetag. the only problem now though is that it reads from the filetag and not the mmd, so all the 000’s of files no longer appear with ramps and hooks etc.

What i need to be able to do, is get the files, when loaded in the playlist to read from mmd and then use the script to use the mmd file info and save to tag.
Can anybody help me please.

Many thanks

Drag all affected files into the playlist and then run this script:

  i: integer;

  for i := 0 to CurrentPlaylist.GetCount - 1 do
    if CurrentPlaylist.GetItem(i).LoadMMD then

By the way: An MMD file has precedence over a file tag. So if there is both an MMD file and an ID3 tag present, mAirList ignores the tag and reads the MMD file. This is however inconsistent with what you report.

having loaded an mmd file in notepad, it shows no details of ramps of hooks so i think that i have basically overwritten all the mmd files at somepoint in the process of doing what i did, therefore, that is the reason why it won’t show when loading.

Thats what im guessing…? I guess it means lots of tagging for me!!