RDS Traffic Flag - and circuit

The “Actions on Start” can be used to run the script that triggers your RDS’ travel flag during a traffic bulletin. Most (if not all) RDS units have a remote socket that will activate the traffic flag for as long as the contacts are shorted together. My script below will activate your serial port sending it “high”. Mine gives out 12v - more than enough to drive an opto-coupler.

Add this to your Traffic Intro jingle…

// Set DTR pin on Serial Port HIGH
// used to signal external RDS unit to enable TRAFFIC FLAG

ComPort(1).SetParameters(9600, 8, ‘N’, 1);
SystemLog(‘Traffic Flag ACTIVE …’);

Add this to your Traffic Outro jingle…

// Set DTR pin on Serial Port LOW
// used to signal external RDS unit to disable TRAFFIC FLAG

SystemLog(‘Traffic Flag DISABLED …’);

This arrangement could also be used to drive a relay that switches between 2 audio sources - Perhaps 2 satellite feeds that are fed through the Line Input :slight_smile:

Image courtesy of my alter-ego, M0PZT :wink:
