I’ve got a configuration of mAirList - skin, layout, normal config - that I’ve done on my laptop, now want to transfer this to the computer in the studio but can’t seem to find where the files are. (It has been a while since I did the configuration and the skin file, so can’t remember where I put them!) The Wiki says they’re in the ‘config’ folder, but I can’t seem to find that in my directory, so my question is thus: is there another place where mAirList config files are located?
Richie G
Windows - Search - “skin.ini” 
Hi RichieG, which version of mAirList are you using.
Earlier versions had the ini files in the mAirList program folder itself.
Kind regards Tony
I’m using v2.0.11. The only ini files in the directory are mAirList.ini and licence.ini. What I have done is this - I’ve taken the entire mAirList directory that is on my laptop, and copied it to my USB pen drive and it’s running it on that that doesn’t have any of my layout or suchlike. A search (using Vista’s rather poor search facility) for ‘skin.ini’ only came up with one file which, it appears, is to do with the software that runs my video card. Not entirely sure what software that is or why it is skinnable, but there we go!
(Edit to add: I guess if I wrote my own skin and layout instead of ‘borrowing’ somebody elses then I wouldn’t have this problem! I probably will at some point, but I really want to get going with this now…)
Hi RichieG, The version you are using I think stored its ini files in the mAirList program folder and not a folder called config so as Charlie said a windows search is needed to see where you stored the files.
I’m not using Vista so not sure if this work but set the search to look thorugh all files and folders for a word anywhere in the file (not filename).
Try looking for something we can associate with mAirList, terms used inside the ini files themselves may help;
Randomly taken from the skin.ini on the wiki.
hth Tony