Playback stuttering on start

Yep it still happens if the device is already in use (i.e. if another file is playing in another palyer using the same device). I’ve also changed the settings to mirror the plugins.exe settings (no floating point or software mixing) and its just the same.

File management is turned off, right?


And bass_fx as well, I guess?

Well, then the only differences which remain between mAirList and plugin.exe are (a) the background DSP functions for processing of volume envelopes, and (b) the various “syncs” mAirList sets on the stream to be informed when a cue marker is reached.

THe Pitch/Tempo adjustment using BASS FX is turned off if that’s what you mean. Not sure about DSP or syncs - I’ll have to leave that to you! But doesnt it seem odd that it stutters when you play it when you have first loaded it into the player, but if you stop it and restart it it works fine? This surely means its something that gets “initialised” or sorted once you press play and that doesnt get reset when you replay it? Or maybe I’m not making sense… Anyway, if you find anything then let me know!


Thanks for sending me the file. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to reproduce the effect.

For further testing, I have added a few options in the latest build #622 which you can manually insert into the “General” section of your BASS.ini file:


The first option speficies the number of milliseconds to “sleep” right after BASS_ChannelPlay is called. This is to give CPU to the BASS background thread. The default value, which was previously hard-coded, is 1ms. The other two options can be set to “off” to disable the DSP functions for amplification and envelope processing.

I have also optimized some code related to cue marker processing, maybe that helps a bit.

By the way, does it only happen with items which have a Cue In marker set?

And also, does it happen on a different PC or with a different sound card? Because in my experience, crackle/stutter issues are very often related to hardware or driver issues. For example, on my PC, when I pause the PFL playback and resume it, I will hear a very small crackle. However, this will only happen on my USB card (Aureon 5.1 MK II) but not on the onboard sound card or the Sennheiser USB headset I own. Other people reported that they were able to cure the same sort of issue by using a different PCI slot for their sound card, or assigning a different IRQ if possible.

Hi Torben,

Thanks for trying all these - still nothing works but I think its just a hradware issue afterall. I’ve tried yet another soundcard and that seems to fix it. Annoying, but not something I can do much about. Thanks for your help and sorry to waste your time.


I’m sorry for my bad english Torben but, could you please contact M-audio to explain them with a better english that mine…
You are the crreator of mairlist and you’d be better than me to explain how to test and fix this problem.
I’m sure i’t’s a driver problem because I only have this problem with vista. When i put my PCI card in my XP computer, there’s no problem.

If someone made the same diagnostic that me…

Just in case anyone has the same problem and ends up reading this - I finally fixed the problem. I was running mAirlist on my laptop and the audio problems are fixed if I disable my wi-fi card. Who’d have thought…

Wow! That wi-fi card/chipset must have one heck of a bus overhead to be causing a problem with your sound card! :o