Pick a Random song out of a folder


Is it possible during automation than rather than making a playlist of files, I can make a playlist of folders and the program selects a random file out of that folder?


No, that’s not possible with mAirList.

mAirList operates according to the proper “professional” radio station workflow: Playlists are prepared in advance (possibly by a music department or so) and then played one by one. This allows you to have the final say at any time, not leaving any randomness to the software.

Of couse, the advance preparation can be done by a software as well, and usually is. mAirList will soon contain a module to do so.


Until mAirlist does it, for example you can use “Amazing Clockwheel” (freeware)



Agreed: Amazing Clockwheel will do the preparation job.

But you DO still have to prepare the playlist BEFORE you go into the studio!