Is there a way of getting the ON AIR item to remain at the top of the playlist constantly. currently when a new item is inserted the on air item gets knocked down the playlist.
I would also want this for the NEXT item as well. Just so you can easily see where they are etc etc.
also, is there a way that you could add something so that you can click at blank space at the bottom of the playlist so that the highlight can be taken off items. the reason being that when inserting items it adds them above items which means a lot of dragging and dropping etc.
Is there a way of getting the ON AIR item to remain at the top of the playlist constantly. currently when a new item is inserted the on air item gets knocked down the playlist.
I would also want this for the NEXT item as well. Just so you can easily see where they are etc etc.
Unfortunately, the GUI component I use does not allow certain items to be moved to the top of the display. There is however the option to move the playing item to the center of the playlist (unless it is already fully visible). You can find this option on the GUI Options tab of the playlist config.
also, is there a way that you could add something so that you can click at blank space at the bottom of the playlist so that the highlight can be taken off items. the reason being that when inserting items it adds them above items which means a lot of dragging and dropping etc.
I’m afraid this is not possible with the GUI component either. The reason is that it is working in “full row select” mode, which means that you can select a row by clicking into any column, not only into the left-most (as in Windows Explorer). In return, there is no way to defocus an item by clicking anywhere next to it (unless the playlist is shorter than the maximum number of items displayed at the same time).
Is there a way of getting the ON AIR item to remain at the top of the playlist constantly. currently when a new item is inserted the on air item gets knocked down the playlist.
Er… this only happens if you explicitly insert an item at the top of the playlist! You can Append a playlist instead, which adds it at the END of the current playlist. Does that help?
click at blank space at the bottom of the playlist so that the highlight can be taken off items. the reason being that when inserting items it adds them above items
Precisely [b]how[/b] are you 'inserting items' if you are not already dragging and dropping them? Again, I think you need to be Appending and not Inserting. Or, work out which item you want to Insert above, then select (highlight) that item [b]before[/b] you do the Insert.
When you simply right-click a playlist and Insert, the insert point is always directly above the currently-selected item; if you have not pre-selected it, this is unlikely to be where you want. Does that make sense?
In short: always SELECT an existing item first, and INSERT second.
I would have thought the easiest way of all is simply to drag’n’drop items from the Browser or Explorer into the playlist, or is there some reason not to do that in your station? Again, drag’n’drop items are inserted ABOVE the item you drop them on.
Make sure you have a Browser displayed; alternatively, open a Windows Explorer window.
Drag the audio file you want to add and drop it into a Playlist.
— If you drop the item on to an existing item in the Playlist, the dropped item will be inserted above (i.e. before) the item you drop it on to.
— If you drop the item in the blank space at the bottom of the Playlist (i.e. after all the existing items), the dropped item will be inserted at the end of the Playlist. You may need to scroll the Playlist so you can see the end of it before you do the drag and drop.
I’m guessing that what you want to do is add items to the end of the Playlist, so basically you scroll the Playlist so you can see the bottom of the list, then drag and drop files there: from a pane in the Browser (including an on-the-fly or other Database pane) or from an open Windows Explorer window (i.e. external to mAirList!).
I hope that helps? Please post again with more details if it doesn’t.
One further point which I, er, failed to mention above >blush<.
If you double-click an item in the Browser, this will add the item to the end of the Playlist (or to the end of the first Playlist—Playlist 1—if you have more than one Playlist).
This works for items in any type of Browser pane: Directory, Directory Tree, Database Search, Daytabase Browse: all of them!