MySQL Database Error

Hi guys.

I’m in the process of setting up a new connection between mAirList and SAM4 database which uses MySQL.

Currently i have SAM4 working with the database up and running. Now, in the configuration or mAirList, i have the following-

Protocol: mysql-3.23
hostname: localhost
database: SAMDB

I also have the libmysql323.dll file in the mAirLIst folder. The strange thing is…is that this is the exact configuration i have always used to set-up two previous installations of mAirList with this DB connection type, with no problems. (Also, this is a fresh XP Proffesional install).

The error that comes up is the following-

Database connection failed: SQL Error: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; Consider upgrading MySQL client.

Also i am running the same MySQL Community Server 5.1 edition as i have for previous successful installations.

Thanks, Ryan.

EDIT- mAirList Version is: V2.2.3 Build 552

Ah yes that was one thing i did forget to do.

BUT…I am putting in the following and getting a Syntax error-

SET PASSWORD FOR root@localhost = OLD_PASSWORD(apasswordhere);

I can`t see anything wrong with that?


EDIT- Turns out it needs double quotes “like so” as opposed to like so

Single quotes (’) would have worked as well - but not backticks (`).

Correct: backticks () in MySQL are [i]specifically[/i] used around column or other identifers which contain spaces (e.g.Start TimeorTracks Played`). :wink:

Around string literals, as Torben said, either single or double quotes are fine … so long as you don’t try to put ’ at one end and " at the other! :smiley: