Hi, Charlie’s scripts for muting/unmuting Line In work a treat but it would be nice to do both from a single script rather than 2 events/scripts.
This means the script should incorporate a timer. First the line input is opened via an event, as I assume that if using for a news feed, the feed will be live all the time and in this instance the line input will already be muted. Then othe timer should close the line input after X seconds.
Cheers Ron. I will give this a whirl once I’ve finished writing a note or 2 on using the Amazing Clockwheel Scheduler.
Its a basic scheduler, only handles mp3 files and will not schedule events/scripts etc (heck that’s some of the essential parts of mAirList) but anyone who wants a copy just shout!
Yes, I’ve looked at Amazing Clockwheel myself. Really nice, basic introduction to scheduling for those of use who nave no clue! Very much like an electronic version of the old ‘boxes of index cards’ techniques used in the 1950s and 60s; and one can of course use one’s existing software like WMP, Winamp, or MediaMonkey, to prepare the M3Us to ‘feed’ Amazing Clockwheel in the first place!
PS: You can remove the quickly-tiresome FX which ACS plays when loading, and tidy up some of the screen prompts, with the excellent ‘Resource Hacker’ utility. Personally, I saved the FX ‘buried’ in ACS’s EXE as a WAV (waste not, want not …) —and then physically removed the WAV from within the EXE.
[quote=“Cad, post:6, topic:5606”]PS: You can remove the quickly-tiresome FX which ACS plays when loading, and tidy up some of the screen prompts, with the excellent ‘Resource Hacker’ utility. Personally, I saved the FX ‘buried’ in ACS’s EXE as a WAV (waste not, want not …) —and then physically removed the WAV from within the EXE.
ACW also compiles the initial playlist templates too with the listmaker.
It’s a shame that Torben’s “time offset” function doesn’t work in the way that I thought it would - if you add a Script to an item via it’s “Action on Start” properties, below the script path is an offset box (time in seconds). I (incorrectly) assumed that you could defer the script action for x seconds. Useful if you run a 3min news bed that has a 15s talk-up so you’d play it at 59:45 and not want the IRN feed to open as they’d still be pumping their 55s count-down out!
Obviously a global Event is not an option ? Inflexible, jocks wouldn’t/shouldn’t be fiddling with it etc. Failing that it’s time to get messing with your news idents! News In, Unmute, Bed, News Out, Mute. I personally favour handling all the hardware events from within the Playlist (with perhaps the exception of an hourly/daily playlist load).
… perhaps the good Doktor could take a moment to explain the intention of that ‘time offset’ box in the Events to those of us ‘nattering to each other at the back of the classroom?’
It’s only meant for variable substitution in filenames. For example, if your playlists are in “%Y-%M-%D-%h.m3u” format, but you want to load them five minutes in advance (scheduling the event at :55:00), you can set time offset to +300, and mAirList will add 300 seconds to the current time before substituting the variables in the file name.
Being able to defer actions is a nice idea. Let’s keep this on the wish list.
click!< Of course: NOW I remember! Thanks for the reminder, Torben.
And I agree that being able to defer the ActionsOnStart of ANY Item would be a good idea.
Similarly, it would be good to be able to advance the ActionsOnStop: that is, be able to make them happen (for example) 10s before the actual Stop point (usually EOF, but it might be a StartNext or FadeOut point instead).
That’s funny, Cad, as I helped impliment a feature for a station who insisted that the hardware event* not fire until the “Travel Tag” jingle had finished… Why ? It’s a sponsored item
*A serial-port high/low script to drive an opto-coupler that in turn acted as a toggle for the TA flag on their RDS.
I quite like the pira.cz RDS units - their (optional) software allows it to send a text file to the RDS RT (or, if you’re permitted, the PS field) aswell as look at playout-generated log files and using the if/or settings you can tell it to change the PTY or flip the TA flag. Very handy if you run many specialist shows and wish to make it easier for people to find Genre X on PTY search However, I think many people (read: Joe Public) aren’t bothered about finding Jazz on their car stereos, they’d simply prefer to be alerted to travel news.
[quote=“Cad, post:11, topic:5606”]And I agree that being able to defer the ActionsOnStart of ANY Item would be a good idea.
Similarly, it would be good to be able to advance the ActionsOnStop: that is, be able to make them happen (for example) 10s before the actual Stop point (usually EOF, but it might be a StartNext or FadeOut point instead).[/quote]
Or how about a new set of “Action” cue markers (Action1, Action2, Action3) which you set in the PFL dialog and then assign actions to in the Properties dialog. This would be even easier to implement for me
Torben: SPLENDID! I think the concept of ‘cue points’ for Actions would have a LOT of appeal to several people here; and the fact that it is easier for you to implement it that way is a bonus.