[quote=“streamer, post:1, topic:6473”]I don’t know how easy it would be to code, but when you do a mixdown it would read the envelope.
I used Cad’s IVP5.0[/quote]
Well, pretty obviously IVP 5.0 contains code which manipulates envelopes!
Basically, a Volume Envelope resembles the ‘envelopes’ used in audio mixing applications such as Sony ACID and Adobe Premiere (or Audition). A Volume Envelope is a series of pairs of numbers, the first of which is the time relative to the start of the item, i.e. just the same as a cue point time value, and specified in mAirList time units (the infamous ‘one-ten-millionth-of-a-second = 1’ unit). The second number is the level, where 0 is max (standard) level and all other values are relative, and -25 seems to be ~-11dB (on each stereo channel); I suggest you use a test tone recording to work this out: that’s what I did!.
Many sound editing applications (e.g. Sound Forge) and any audio mixing program (ACID, ProTools, whatever) can produce a test tone for you. The C above middle C is close enough to 1kHz for rock’n’roll (or this use of a test tone), if you don’t have any test tones (such as from the legendary Sound Check CD).
So a Volume Envelope point might be (0, -25) which would start a track ‘ducked.’
To ‘un-duck’ the track, you need two more points. Imagine drawing the line in your head: you need a second -25 point (to keep the ‘ducked’ line straight) followed by a 0 level point a few mS later, to create a straight-line fade back up. These might be (with Ramp1 at 34s for example) the two points (335 000 000, -25) and (340 000 000, 0), which would create a nice 500mS fade back up to ‘hit the ramp.’ Ducking a track at the end is a similar procedure.
Look in the fully commented version of IVP and you should find all the relevant code pretty easily: DuckIntro and DuckOutro procedures, and the GetVolumeEnvelope statement somewhere in the main loops.
Let me know if there’s anything you can’t work out.
But IVP, especially with a couple of extra ‘tweaks’ I’m planning, was written to do all this, so that you don’t have to!
I presume that future versions of mAirList will contain some kind of visual segue editor to allow this, plus some means of viewing and editing Volume Envelope points in an item’s own Properties (adding the Volume Envelope points as a ‘cue point’ to the existing Cue Data tab would be one method, but you would need an extra column to display the levels; maybe a new Envelope Data tab with that extra column in it, but working in a similar way to Cue Data, would be best of all).