mAirListTag Tutorial Videos

I’ve done 2 more video tutorials - this time for tagging songs. The first is a very quick explanation of how tags work on a song, the second goes into detail on setting them and also the other properties like Artist, Title, EndType and Icons etc.

Tagging - quick guide, 6MB

Tagging - full version, 28MB

Because my screen capture program tends to let the sound sync drift and introduce random clicks, I’ve recorded the audio into Cool Edit - but I’ve tried to line them up as best as I can… It’s only Windows Movie Maker!

Busy day for both of us Charlie, I’m back and forwards to the forums as we prepare our latest install of mAirList.

Thanks again for these vids too, handy for when I am not around at the hospital station.

btw:Which video capture programme are you using? hopefully something free!

Kind regards Tony

Good luck with the install, Tony…

The software is CamStudio, free and available at:

The “quick guide” version is now on YouTube: