mAirListDB: Change values of Artist/Types/Attributes by drag/drop

This concept is also, um, ‘inspired’ >cough< by some MediaMonkey features.

I’ve recently seen scripts to set/change Types (Music, Jingles, etc.) in mAirList, and I recently remembered that if an Artist in MediaMonkey is wrong (Micheal Jakson is their example), you drag/drop the offending item(s) on the Michael Jackson Artist folder and voilà! The item’s Artist is changed (with a suitable Warning/Exclamation MessageBox, obviously!).

And then I realised …

… if all the nodes within the mAirListDB ‘system folders’ Artist, Type, and Attributes could be made drop targets, the associated action being to set that Artist, Type, or Attribute to the value of the node the items are dropped on, this would make mass changes (and even simple Artist spelling error corrections) VERY easy to do.

So for example, you could drop items on the Jingles node to set their Types to Jingle, or on a Genre node to change them to Country (for example … it’s late here!), and this would also allow custom (user) Attributes to be quickly and efficiently applied to many tracks at the same time.

The Warning/Exclamation MessageBox text would be something like:

[b]Dropping these 14 items here will change their Type to ‘Instrumental’.
These changes cannot be undone.

Are you sure you want to make these changes?[/b]

or for a change of Artist, and taking into account the fact that mAirList allows multiple Artists per item:

[b]Dropping this item here will change its Artist to ‘Kylie Minogue’.
All other Artist names in this item will be deleted.

These changes cannot be undone.

Are you sure you want to make these changes?[/b]

What does everyone think? I’m presuming (possibly wrongly) that if this can be implemented for any of the ‘system folder’ nodes, it should be reasonably (?) easy to extend that processing to all the suggested nodes: right or wrong, Torben?


I like the idea of changing the values through drag and drop. This is already possible for the “item type” field in v3.1, without a confirmation dialog though.

Artist and attributes can also be changed through the new “mass edit” dialog (select multiple items -> right click -> Mass Edit).

[quote=“Torben, post:2, topic:6779”]This is already possible for the “item type” field in v3.1, without a confirmation dialog though.

Artist and attributes can also be changed through the new “mass edit” dialog (select multiple items -> right click -> Mass Edit).[/quote]
Hmm … I haven’t tried the 3.1 mAirListDB yet! :-[

One issue at a time …


Is this already possible ?
Because whe are 4 years later now.
If not this is a great idea, I have artists with 4 different names so 4 entries.