mairlist and windows vista

does mairlist have any issues with windows vista, when I try to add my music directories it is only showinf any sound files in the root of the directory I have added, can anyone tell me why it does not show the directory tree of all the music folders I have, I use mairlist on a local community radio station running on windows XP and the directory tree is displayed as I would expect.

I would be grateful if somone could help me out with this, my last resort is to format and reinstall windows XP



Not Visita-related but have you gone into mairlist.ini and put the + symbol on the HotDir entries ? You can specify “trees” within the Config (yet).


[HotDir] Item0=+D:\Songs (shows all subfolders) Item1=D:\Jingles (shows just the root)

yes m8, I did, I still have the same issue, only the music files in the root dir are being displayed and not the tree :s

[HotDirs] Item0=+D:\music Item1=+D:\E drive\Music

thanx for your reply


time for me to waken up nad apologise for not checking all my options, I was clicking on add and not on the down arrow attached to add for selecting directory tree, it is now working as I should have expected it to, this is a lesson to all, dont try messing with anything when u are hungover and still tired.

thanx for your contribution Charlie Davy.


last resort is to format and reinstall windows XP
From the little I have heard about Vista, I think that putting XP back on should be your [i]first[/i] resort. I don't like any OS where one Registry change removes [b]all[/b] administrator-type restrictions, meaning any user can do anything, but it's your PC … so if for some reason you like Vista, then I wish you good luck with it! -- BFN CAD

I was an XP nut for 1-2 years, however I’ve been back on Windows 2000 Professional for the last 2.

I tried loading on XP again a few days ago for a programme I have that hates 2000, then I tried mAirList. Yuck, XP for some reason was much slower to start a song after I clicked the play button than in 2K. I switched all the kindergarten graphics off, fixed the swap file size, switched off numerous services and system gpedit.msc settings. Switched off system restore, disabled the indexing service etc… Still sluggish audio starting.

Anyway, it wasn’t worth the hassle for running a small programme I had that requires XP.

I’m back on Windows 2000 Professional and I’m very happy with it and mAirList. It’s already XP in performance mode :o) I still run a fixed swap file, indexing off, fade effects off, a few services, classic not web folders etc… and my audio drive I have formatted in 64K allocation size for audio/video.


Has the passage of time changed anyone’s thoughts on using Vista?

I am just about to update my PC and need to decide which way to go. Does anyone use mAirlist on Vista (with or without problems)

UI am also looking at sound cards in a ‘reasonable’ price range (m-Audio Delta66 etc) and from what I can gather there is not a lot of Vista support for the drivers.

Thoughts? (on Vista and/or sound cards)

Well, I didn’t comment on Vista before in this thread but as I’m using Vista for some weeks now I can tell you my experiences.
mAirList is running without any problems on my new Vista-notebook. I didn’t discover any differences to my former Windows XP-system. And with regard to the graphic features it’s regardless if you switch them off or not - provided that your PC has the required power. And even if you face any problems you can switch off the graphic extras easily.

But with regard to soundcards and drivers you are right, in some cases it doesn’t seem to be highly engineered. Creative hasn’t yet conformed all its drivers to Vista and though the one for my notebook-soundcard is already available there are problems with audio playback from time to time.
Nevertheless I can say that all in all mAirList is running very fine on Vista and I don’t regret having installed it on Vista.

At our community station, Phoenix FM, we are using Jazler on XP - but I’ve took mAirList in on my USB stick and it appears to work on Vista (we are using Vista for the e-mail/web/streaming machines)… Haven’t done too much with it, but it plays and handles auto fairly well.

Not sure how you’d get on with dedicated sound hardware as we had just the basic AC97 onboard running.

If anything, it’s far too soon for putting vista on any machines other then a new PC that comes with it, for reasons mentioned already, hardware manufacturers have yet to catch up in a lot of cases with drivers and compatibility issues.

Upgrades only make sense if they make sense for you, and your budget and situation. I have a 6 PC network at home, I don’t use them all at once, mainly a few older machines that still are good for surfing the net, and other programs. I use 3 op systems, windows 98, windows ME and windows XP. They all work and interact on the network without major problems. I assume vista will do this too, but haven’t tried and don’t plan to anytime soon. there’s no reason for update my XP machines to vista at this point. I just put XP on my machine this year, because I got it for under $100. before I was running win98 and everything worked fine, but time to upgrade I guess.

I might add that my streaming PC is running mairlist on windows ME with no problems at all.

i’m using 2.0.11 tried 2.1.36, but I find I can’t scroll the windows down when I load my 30 odd folders for music catagories…

Just a little update - not only has Phoenix FM been using mAirList (24/7) on Vista since about mid-August of last year… But I’m now running Vista Ultimate at home, so if there are any Vista issues that need sorting, I should be able to help.

My main gripe was the over-zealous User Account Control, once you’ve taken care of that - You get your Program Files folder back :slight_smile: Failing that, you could just edit it’s Security policy as there is a “Deny” setting in there which’ll limit your ability to edit/screw it :wink:

This is a good hint. As mAirList places its configuration into its Program Files folder, an ordinary user might be denied the access to it. A simple fix is to run mAirList as Administrator. Or you check the User Account Control, as mentioned by Charlie.

(who has never used Vista, so don’t ask me any questions about it)

I should point out that I actually run mAirList from my “Charlie” folder (which is where the Documents, Pictures etc folders also live). Although I am the only user (and I’m set to admin), the amount of popup requests and security is a little off-putting for my tastes… It should be noted that installing Service Pack 1 does reduce the amount of daft “are you really really sure you want to do this?” messages :slight_smile: If you wish to keep your Vista PC “locked-down”, then when you run a programme - right click the EXE file and select “Run as Administrator” and this’ll allow you to enter your password.

Home system is a P4 3.6GHz, 2GB RAM, SB Audigy and on-board graphics - soon to be given an upgrade as I’ve quite taken to the Flightgear simulator :wink:

Also, mAirList (and the general look+feel of Vista) looks much better than XP (this’ll really send Cad into a spin!). But just in case Cad wants to accuse me of being a point ‘n’ click merchant - I should point out that I grew up with DOS 3.3 :wink:

Oh, another person enjoying flight simulation. I must admit that I’m using FS2004, just because it works with IVAO :slight_smile:

It’s just for fun, really - but as I’m not far from North Weald airfield, I’m tempted to take some lessons and obtain my JAR-FCL Private Pilot’s licence at some point… At least Flightgear doesn’t charge £70/hour to take the planes for a spin!

Charlie, I’ve tried Vista and I truly despise the way it looks and works. Within minutes, I was switching off the so-called ‘improvements’ and returning the shell to something sensible (i.e. Windows Classic). Luckily this wasn’t my own PC (if it were, I’d put in the registry hack that switches off all that ‘are you sure?’ rubbish).

Dos 3.3? PFAH! I started on DOS 1.1! (Actually, I started on CP/M on an ACT Sirius 1 before real IBM PCs were made, but that was a year or three after I REALLY started: on IBM mainframes.)


I also plan to acquire a PPL in the near future. But it’s so damn expensive. Around 5000-6000 Euros. I think I need to sell a few more licenses first. Or if just each of the 1700 registered users could donate 5 Euros …

Cad, the only issue I’ve had (apart from the flight sim being a bit slow) is the fonts on MP3Tag very hard-going on the eyes - and I’m 27 with perfect eyesight! For several years, I resisted XP as I was very happy with Windows 2000 and my machines would run for weeks without a reboot, however I finally gave in and went XP about 18months’ ago on all my systems. I have 3 machines here: Bedroom (the Vista one), Studio (2.6GHz Celeron, M-Audio Delta410 card, twin screen), and Server (1.6GHz Duron, twin screen).

I don’t know if I’ll keep with Vista - if I can find a decent multitrack audio editor that I can get on with, I’ll ditch Vista and go with Ubuntu on my personal system :wink:

Torben - Here’s a story that shows writing software and flying can go hand-in-hand: Back in the mid 90s when HD playout was few and far between - Essex Radio took the plunge and went for the Barrcode BCX playout software for Essex FM and Breeze (their AM service)… The cost was so high that Essex Radio part-exchanged their “Jambuster” traffic plane into the bargain :wink:

PS: The grey background is still there on preview :frowning:

Hi Charlie, try this for linux.

Please let me know how you get on, we are just about to build a pc using Ubuntu.

Kind regards tony

Should be ok now.