Version 2.2.1 (06 Oct 2008)
[] Config: Player countdown type displayed in list
[-] Config: Wrong MIDI device entry in remote.ini
[-] Cartwall options not processed correctly when using layout.ini
[-] Browser cannot be resized in automatic layout mode
[-] Playlist: color of “next” item not updated when automation starts
[-] PNG transparency not working correctly for custom playlist icons
[] Notification Scripts: correct player state on OnPlayerStop
[+] Database search: minimum number of characters can be specified in
mAirList.ini (section DatabaseSearch, key MinChars)
[+] New commands to toggle HOOK and LOOP for players and cartwall
[-] Progress bar “overshooting” when playing past effective end
[-] skin.ini: ProgressBarRampDividerColor not working
[-] Empty playlist item attributes in XML data
[-] “Interface not supported” when using PlayItemDetached
[-] Filename not discarded when opening a desktop template
[-] “Playlist inconsistency” error when trying do delete items from a
database search result
[-] Fixed some missing translations
[-] Option “Regard Start Next marker as EOF” ignored by progress bar.
[] Improved auto-cue speed for non-VBR MP3 files
[] iTunes reads MMD files
[+] “Send data to serial port” action can handle hex data (starting with $)
[+] M3U Import: New special line "#mAirList FIXTIME hh:nn:ss "
creates a dummy item with a fixed time set