mAirList 2.1.34

Version 2.1.34 (2007-06-10)

[-] Notification scripts: CurrentPlaylist causes Access Violation
[+] Player: New option “only auto-load items marked as ‘special’”
(assist mode only)
[+] Playlist items: New option “special item”
[-] Events: “Run in automation” always set when loading event list
[] Event scheduler now uses the new “action list” concept.
Pre-2.1.34-.mle files can be imported, but not vice versa
[+] Browser: New option “Resizable panes” (for Outlook-style browser,
default off, previous default on)
[-] Stream playback: Fade Out doesn’t affect volume
[-] Stream playback: Access Violation at end of fade out
] BASS.DLL options can be set individually for each sound card
(force multichannel output) or even each player (file management,
[-] SAS Interface hangs after receiving certain packets
[-] OTF Database disabled on finding corrupt files
[*] Removed video support. Will be revisited at some point in the future.
[+] Notification Scripts: New procedure OnAutomationChange

Achtung: Das Dateimanagement ist evtl. noch immer kaputt, bitte ins Forum schreiben, falls es zu Fehlern kommt.