Just wanting to know does any one know/has a version that will work on mac.We are a school radio and the only computer avalible in the studio is a mac it has osx on it and some have os9.

Thanks and hope you can help :slight_smile:

I personally don’t own a Mac, so I haven’t considered porting mAirList to OSX.

The first thing I’m working on (once in a while) is a Linux port using Free Pascal/Lazarus. As Lazarus does also support OSX, a Mac port wouldn’t be so difficult then.

Have you any clue when that would be avalible ?


Use parallel desktop, and you can work with mAirList.


whats a paralell desktop ? expalin please

It´s a Virtual Engine! Google Helps!

You can use Windows OS on Mac OS X.

Ok, it costs Money but you can go to your Headteatcher and ask him for Money. Say to him, that with this Programm your Mac get Multiuseable!

Sorry to hear you only have Macs to work with … :wink:

Remember that many software manufacturers offer reduced prices to educational establishments (I don’t know whether the Parallels people do or not: sorry!); and in any case it only seems to cost $80 US. Maybe the parents could club together and buy a copy?

Do remember though that most VMs do suffer a performance hit compared to running ‘native;’ and also you usually have to buy a copy of each OS you run on it (in this case, Windows). I do know that M$ give good educational prices on Windows OS, though. Ask your local dealer or distributor.



eight months later: any news about mAirList on Mac OS X ?

No. Too many other (and more important) issues to deal with.