Hi Torben, starting to show everyone our new configuration.
Point raised, is it possible to also load a playlist from a key command, such as P for Phil’s playlist?
I know we can load cartsets in this manner but wondered if it was possible with a playlist.
Kind regards Tony
Yes - take one of my Playlist-loading scripts, edit the filename details to match the Playlist you want to load - and the command will be RUNSCRIPT C:\scripts\script.mls
Cheers Charlie, scripts and Charlie to the rescue.
Here is a working script for this.
CurrentPlaylist.LoadFromM3U('C:\playlists\' + ('phil') + '.m3u');
In use we set the last item running in a player, press the relevant key and everything is ready for the next presenter. Alternatively its an event to load in readiness.
Now to adapt the script so it calculates the time and loads the correct playlist all from a single key, rather than presenters have a unique key. Charlies current hour playlist script should save time.
Here is such which loads by Day and Hour
[code]// Load the current hour’s Playlist
CurrentPlaylist.LoadFromM3U(‘C:\Playlists’ + FormatDateTime(‘ddd hh’, now) + ‘.m3u’);
Now presenters can load their favourite items with a single keystroke. Thanks again Charlie.
Kind regards Tony