Hi there people! I have been playing around with mAirlist for a while now (and it is brillaint I have to say!).
I have been trying alot of skin/layout arrangements to try and get it to what I want. I’m still not there.
What takes the time with the layouts is deciding on the numbers. This is where the layout designer comes in. I have made a very simple app that allows be to draw boxes on my screen, and when i double click on it, it tells me the numbers to put in to the layout file.
Ideally I want to be able to do everything with this application, and it will automatically save it into the layout/skin files. I have made my app in VB and well…if anyone out there knows VB and wants to give me a hand - let me know! (Ideally we need to make VB Controls that replicate mAirList ones, things like playlist, players and browser.)
When its done - one shall release it into the free mAirList community!