Keyboard shortcut request

is it possible to add to next Version of Mairlist that shortcuts:
1: Shortcuts to move up and down item, or multiple items in playlist
2: Shortcut to the button “insert” in main window of Mairlist.
Thanx. :slight_smile:

Hi midzi:

Item 1: You can already drag and drop a single item in the playlist to move it to a different place. To enable multiple items to be moved perhaps a CTRL Click could be introduced.

Item2. A right click in the playlist enables you to load a playlist into the playlist area, perhaps you may need the other options from the insert function also adding to the right click?

To insert a single item from the browser you can not only drag and drop but also highlight the item and press Enter/Return

hth tony

Item 1: You can already drag and drop a single item in the playlist to move it to a different place.
I know about it. But, I prefer to use only keyboard, using a mouse makes me trouble. Mairlist has many shortcuts, so it couldn't be a problem, to add some others imho.
To enable multiple items to be moved perhaps a CTRL Click could be introduced.
Yes, but i wouldn't use a mouse.
To insert a single item from the browser you can not only drag and drop but also highlight the item and press Enter/Return
Currently I have a problem with browsers. My screen reader, Window-Eyes does not read highlighted tracks, when i move cursors keys on it. I don't know why, because in playlist I haven't this problem. In main window of Mairlist i have button called insert, by pressing this button i can insert a files from HDD to playlist, and I say about keyboard shortcut to this button.

Hi midzi, then i understand your request and hope that Torben can oblige.

Kind regards Tony

Hello Michal!
The Playlist in mAirList is a component called Virtual Tree View, which is not the same component Torben uses for the Browser. That is probably why Window Eyes can read one but not read the other.
I don’t know whether Torben will be changing the component he uses for the Browser, but I am sure he will appreciate the feedback from you for the benefit of any other blind mAirList users out there.


The Playlist in mAirList is a component called Virtual Tree View, which is not the same component Torben uses for the Browser. That is probably why Window Eyes can read one but not read the other.
Ok, Window-Eyes reads all. :-) I use a reclass function included in this program, and all works fine. But a moving item playlist key functions will be very usefull.

It’s also on my list. So many wishes, so little time :wink: