IVP (Intelligent Voicetracking Processor) script, v2.1

I found some bugs and other dissatisfactions in v2.0, so here is the new and definitely improved v2.1 of the ‘intelligent’ voicetracking processor. If you haven’t been following this, please see the separate post in this forum for v2.0, which fully explains what it does.

The v2.1 version of the script uses the same ending codes as v2.0, so no new features as such, BUT it does improve on the way the existing features work, and advises of many more problem situations.

Here is the change list: :wink:

  • fixed bug which set StartNext wrongly when no Ramps in overlaid item
  • fixed bug determining first/last Ramp point for o (overlay) overlay type
  • added warning if os (overlay in sync) ‘crashes’ Ramps
  • added warning if overlaid item has no Ramp points set (hence starts in sync)
  • added warning if overlay item is last in Playlist
  • changed all ‘time’ vars from LongInt to int64 type (as used by mAirList objects)
  • tidied up naming of variables

As before, the ZIPfile contains a fully-commented version and a ‘fast’ uncommented version.

Please do test this one thoroughly and let me have your comments and suggestions.

v2.2 now available, attachment removed from this post.