Now replaced by v2.1, see separate thread in the Scripts forum.
I developed IVP (Intelligent Voicetracking Processor) from code originally written by Christoph Rothe, later amended by Charlie Davy. Ron Stanley, among others, originally suggested that there ‘should be’ a script to assist with voicetracked shows, so here it is!
IVP processes the current Playlist looking for items whose Ending (Properties, General tab) is one of the codes IVP recognises. It will then adjust cue points in Playlist items as needed to perform one of the following, according to the Ending code of a voicetrack item:
[ul][li]Make a voicetrack ‘talk over’ the following song, up to the song’s the first Ramp point (or its last Ramp point: your choice!) …[/li]
[li]… or ‘talk over’ up to a specific Ramp point (1, 2, or 3).[/li]
[li]Force the following song to start ‘in sync’ with (rather than follow) the voicetrack.[/li]
[li]‘Bed’ talkover: start next song (music bed) in sync AND force the bed to end when the voicetrack does (handy for ‘instant’ ads. or promos!).[/li][/ul]
IMPORTANT NOTE! The last two features (‘start in sync’ and ‘bed talkover’) are best used in a Playlist with at least three Players. Testing has shown that using these features in a Playlist with only two Players can cause problems such as gaps in playout.
The attached ZIPfile contains two copies of the script: one is fully commented; the other is more-or-less uncommented and ‘condensed’ to marginally improve performance, and is intended for ‘production’ use.
File now removed because v2.1 is available: see the separate v2.1 thread in the Scripts forum.
You can easily amend everything which affects the workings of the script—from the Ending codes to the delay for a ‘synced’ item—by making one-line changes to the script.
All the instructions are in the commented version, but basically:
- Select your music and record your voicetracks.
- Make a Playlist containing the voicetracks and music in the right order.
- SAVE the Playlist!
- Set your desired Ending property in each voicetrack you want to ‘talk over’ the following song.
- SAVE the Playlist AGAIN!
- Run IVP.
- SAVE the Playlist under a DIFFERENT name!
As supplied, the valid Ending codes are as shown below, and can be typed in UPPER or lower case:
[tr][td]o[/td][td]b[/b]: make this item ‘talk over’ the following item up to its first/last Ramp point[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]o1[/td][td]make this item ‘talk over’ the following item up to its Ramp 1 point[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]o2[/td][td]make this item ‘talk over’ the following item up to its Ramp 2 point[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]o3[/td][td]make this item ‘talk over’ the following item up to its Ramp 3 point[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]os[/td][td](overlay sync): make the next item start ‘in sync’ with this item (‘talk over’ start of next item)[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]ob[/td][td](overlay bed): same as os but ALSO make the next item FadeOut (500mS duration fade) in sync with the END of this item (match durations)[/td][/tr]
IMPORTANT NOTE! The os and ob Ending codes are best used in a Playlist with at least three Players. Testing has shown that using these codes in a Playlist with only two Players can cause problems such as gaps in playout.
Please do let me know if you encounter any bugs or have any ideas for more (!) features.