IVP (Intelligent Voicetrack Processor) V3.0 for mAirList V2.x

OK folks, here’s V3.0 of IVP.

If you use mAirList V3.x, DO NOT use IVP V3.0: it will not work.
Instead, use IVP V4.0, which is in a separate post in the English Scripts Forum.

New features:

[ul][li]User Manual (PDF)[/li]
[li]‘Underlays’ (codes to make song endings ‘run under’ voicetracks)[/li]
[li]Companion IVP-MarkEndings script to automate markup of items with Ending codes[/li][/ul]

Please let me know if you find any bugs or other problems, especially in the new MarkEndings script.

I reckon this is as far as I can take IVP for now, until Envelopes become available in mAirList V3. Of course, if you do have any ideas, please let me know.



IVP-3.0 for mAirList.zip (113 KB)


Script is working perfectly. But Mairlist doesn`t start the Tracks parallel. Voice Track has a Start Next Point at 0:00:00:02. Song doesn’t start. Only if I change the Start Next manually. What can I do?

I will try to help, but no guarantee!

Questions for you:

  1. How many Players do you have in your Playlist? >=3 is best for IVP. :wink:
  2. In AUTO-modus, does your PC often take a ‘long’ time (>1s) to load and start tracks?

Please post the answers and I will try to help.