
Hi Torben, this is I think more connected to iTunes.

Wednesday the connection to the iTunes library worked fine, tonight something is amiss. mAirList hangs up trying to connect to the database. Remove iTunes in the config and everything is OK.

The iTunes XML file is just under 54mb, there is also a similar file appeared in the mAirList folder. The itunes.itl file too is 55mb. None of the content in the XML file seems to relate to the audio library or mAirList.

If we delete these files will they be re-created on a reboot.

Kind regards tony

Can you please post the contents of your database.ini file?

Hi Torben, I will have to get in touch with the station at Lutterworth.

Kind regards tony

Hi Torben, finally got the file:

[Database0] Type=iTunes MusicLibrary=C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents\My Music\iTunes\iTunes Music Library.xml SubstPathFrom= SubstPathTo=

Still fails on startup with database connected.

Kind regards tony

Have they upgraded iTunes lately? Perhaps the XML file format has changed.

Hi Torben, thanks as always for the prompt reply.

They are running iTunes 7.6.2.

Just spoken to the station as mAirList players do not seem to be working.

They load audio and click play, never happens.

Any thoughts.

I will have to drop into the studio tomorrow.

Kind Regards Tony

[quote=“tony wilding, post:4, topic:5265”]MusicLibrary=C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents\My
Music\iTunes\iTunes Music Library.xml[/quote]

If the MusicLibrary key is actually split over two lines in the INI file (as you posted it), then nothing will work.

I am assuming though (?) that the line is NOT actually split like that in the real INI file?


Hi Cad, I will have to check. All I have seen is the file contents as pasted in an email.

Kind Regards tony

btw:station just called - audio players are now working.

Hi Torben and Cad, dropped into the studio to check things as I had not seen the database connection working (just explained over the telephone).

Connection is made to the iTunes database only it takes an age (well at least 2-3 minutes).

Playback tends to drop out for no apparent reason, which I think may be a driver issue somewhere as it will suddenly correct itself.

You can also click start on a player and although the progress bar is moving there is no audio present. Click a second player and it all fires into life. Strange as its only sporadic.

The guys at the station had recently run a virus scan and found over 200 infections/malware/spyware on the system so this may explain things.

Any thoughts?

Kind regards Tony

This may be due to the size of the library: how many tracks are in their iTunes?

Playback tends to drop out for no apparent reason, which I think may be a driver issue somewhere as it will suddenly correct itself. You can also click start on a player and although the progress bar is moving there is no audio present. Click a second player and it all fires into life. Strange as its only sporadic.
Both of these sound—on the face of it—like they are sound card (or maybe video card?) driver issues.
The guys at the station had recently run a virus scan and found over 200 infections/malware/spyware on the system so this may explain things. Any thoughts?
Apart from 'install some kind of firewall and AV,' and of course being CERTAIN that EVERY bit of malware effect is gone, not really (!). If they can't afford to buy AV etc., I'd recommend avast! for AV and Comodo Personal Firewall to prevent nasties creeping in; plus Spybot Search and Destroy as an extra safeguard. All of those have free versions. I'd also advise at a bare mimimum, banning ALL instant messenger use (whether MS, AOL, Yahoo!, or whatever). Plus of course, banning all surfing of 'porn' sites, many of which are riddled with viruses, malware, etc.

I would also say that any action which causes malware, virus, etc. to appear on the playout PC should be a disciplinary matter. This includes loading ‘dodgy’ CDs of software or audio bought for £1 at the market. :slight_smile:


Torben, welcome back. Trust the holiday was good.

Been waiting to ask if you have any suggestions for why the players randomly act as described in this thread?

kind regards tony

Hi, just to clarify things. I have noticed this soundcard not playing problem (at Raduio Lutterworth) is not restricted to mAirList.

Having earlier today been in the Radio Lutterworth studio it also affects (randomly) windows media player, Cool Edit Pro and Audacity.

So guess its as Cad suggested either soundcard or video drivers at fault. No time to investigate, I’m off on holiday.

Kind regards tony

Enjoy your holiday!

If the PC in question is affected as badly as that AND has had 200+ malwares in it, personally I’d prefer to raze its HD to the ground and reinstall everything clean, from scratch. Anything else is frankly just too risky, because you can never be sure precisely what internal carnage has been wreaked by the bad stuff (and therefore may potentially reappear later to bite yer bum).


Cheers Cad, dropped home today for a couple of days.

The guys at Radio Lutterworth caught me on the off chance.

Their RSL went On Air on the 13th, just hours before they lost the database connection to iTunes. Unable to get mAirList running again with iTunes or an On The Fly database, they are running without.

No time to pop in so will recommend mediamonkey.

Anyone with ideas as to their problems in iTunes.

Kind regards tony

RL seemed to have narrowed this problem down a little.

It occurs when the portable drive containing the music is disconnected or not switched on.

When loading itunes cannot see any audio and therefore has no database to load. mAirList in turn fails to load.

Having suffered this failure the only way to start mAirList is to remove the database connection in config.

So RL are still running without a database connection.

Kind regards Tony

Presumably they never bothered getting rid of their malware and if necessary reloading XP (or whatever) from scratch?

If they didn’t, suggesting anything further seems a bit pointless; with the sole exception of always making sure their portable drive is ON when they start up. :smiley: