iTunes as storage point in mAirlistDb?
Is it possible?
Vårgråda Sweden
iTunes as storage point in mAirlistDb?
Is it possible?
Vårgråda Sweden
Yes, Patrick, it is easily possible!
Open Configuration, then click Databases. In the right-hand pane, click Add…, iTunes.
At this point, you need to know where your iTunes ‘database’ file is.
Usually, this file is named iTunes Music Library.xml.
mAirList can access the iTunes title, artist, and comment fields, and iTunes playlists.
On the Settings tab:
[ul][li]Specify your iTunes Music Library.xml File location and name.[/li]
[li]If you need to substitute paths to audio files (perhaps because the iTunes ‘database’ is on a different computer), type the drives and paths in the Replace… and With… fields.
For example: if the path and file name in iTunes is d:\iTunes\Madonna-Vogue, but this location would be i:\Madonna-Vogue as viewed from your mAirList computer, type d:\iTunes in the Replace… field and i: in the With… field.[/li]
[li]If you want to use iTunes playlists in mAirList (for things like a Database Playlist Browser), you must specify an Hourly Playlist Pattern (see below). You should ensure that each iTunes playlist you intend to use in mAirList has a total duration of at least sixty minutes.[/li][/ul]
Because iTunes playlist names are free form, mAirList needs to know the pattern it should look for to identify hourly playlists: the Hourly Playlist Pattern. The pattern is built using logging variables.
The default pattern is: mAirList-%Y-%M-%D-%h, which means for example that the playlist for 0500 on 11th January 2010 would be named in iTunes as mAirList-2010-01-11-05. If you use a different playlist naming system in iTunes, change the Hourly Playlist Pattern to match; the Sample: changes as you type, to show you the generated playlist name for the current hour.
Hope that helps.