is it possible to...

Hi I’m new to this piece of software, but having read the feature list I could not see the oprion to do two things. I wonder if I am missing something, or would these be potential improvements for future version?

Is it possible to see a second cue point. for example if you were to select a live track to play you tend to get clapping etc before the song starts. It would be good if you could select other cue points later in the track to start from.
Secondly is it possible to have a countdown to when the lyrics start on a track? This would be useful as noone likes to look sill when talking over the first line of a song!

Would be grateful for someone to tell me how to do either if possible, or if not consider these as potential imrpovements. Thank you.

Song intros are called “Ramps” in mAirList - open the PFL window (CTRL-P within the Playlist) and you can set up to 3 Intro/Ramp points. These are then shown in the ProgressBars and Ramp CountDown GUI objects (if enabled).

See one of my earlier layouts for a typical intro countdown:,2713.0.html

In addition to Charlie’s comments:

You can store an unlimited number of ‘alternative’ values for each cue point (e.g. a CueIn of 2.5s or zero) as well as having three separate Ramp points.

Another way to see an intro countdown is to set the option to display Ramp countdowns in a Player (while a Ramp is running) instead of the usual elapsed/remain time.

You’ll find mAirList is MUCH more flexible than almost all other playout systems: I like to call it the ‘Lego set’ (in a GOOD way!) of playout systems. Design what you’d like, then set mAirList up to look and work like your design. You can of course use mAirList ‘out of the box’ simply to get used to how it operates, but almost everyone develops their own design sooner or later. :slight_smile:


Hi sparky, welcome to the mAirList forums.

Other points you can set are hooks.

Useful for building music sweepers on the fly.

Kind Regards Tony

Thank you for your replies. I have had a play and have figured out the cue thing now. Is it possible to save the Cue points so that when you load a song to play on subsequent occasions it remembers the Cue points you previously created?

Deja Vu… You asked this yesterday and both myself and Cad offered replies here:,2713.msg20016.html#msg20016 :wink: