Improved Auto Cue performance


can anybody please try out the new snapshot 2.2.0 Build 534 I just uploaded?

It features a backport from v3.0 intended to improve performance on the Auto Cue operations. In earlier versions, I was using the BASS flag BASS_MP3_SETPOS right away to ensure accurate seeking. I now figured that this should only be necessary for VBR files. This new version makes a guess whether the file is VBR or not, and leaves out the flag if not, resulting in a 5x performance gain on CBR files.

Please let me know if this works for you.

The old behavior can be restored by adding “AutoCueSetPos=on” to the “Options” section of your mAirList.ini file.


I’m not sure whether it actually installed properly, as it still says it’s 533, rather than 534… :-\

The old problem with the .exe file not updating its version number after a build.

It was in fact the new version but with a wrong version number. I have just uploaded a new one, just in case.