Hi Torben, hopefully you can help with filenames in Chinese (Big5 coding).
On importing mp3 files, this is the error:
Cannot open file “C:\Documents and Settings\Carillon\Desktop???.mp3”. The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect
08 December 2008, 11:56:42
Program Version 2.2.1 Build 538
Call stack:
(000263D2) [004273D2]
(0000392B) [0040492B]
(00026290) [00427290]
(004B0313) [008B1313]
(004B0D65) [008B1D65]
(004B09AE) [008B19AE]
(004BB999) [008BC999]
(004BBBCE) [008BCBCE]
(001B4E3F) [005B5E3F]
(002367C6) [006377C6]
(0023661E) [0063761E]
(00071A3E) [00472A3E]
(0006FFC3) [00470FC3]
(00071A8C) [00472A8C]
(00071463) [00472463]
(000752B9) [004762B9]
(001B84C9) [005B94C9]
(000752B9) [004762B9]
(00086D8D) [00487D8D]
(000710F0) [004720F0]
(000752B9) [004762B9]
(00086D8D) [00487D8D]
(00090321) [00491321]
(000752B9) [004762B9]
(000710F0) [004720F0]
(00086D8D) [00487D8D]
(00022AD8) [00423AD8]
(0003A6A4) [0043B6A4]
(00074DCC) [00475DCC]
(000752B9) [004762B9]
(00074A44) [00475A44]
(0002E4D4) [0042F4D4]
(0006C7DE) [0046D7DE]
(0008E9A8) [0048F9A8]
(0008E9E2) [0048F9E2]
(0008EC02) [0048FC02]
(004CDAE7) [008CEAE7]
Filenames and tags read Ok in iTunes/Windows.
Kind Regards Tony
December 8, 2008, 5:18pm
mAirList lacks full Unicode support at the moment (some components support it, some don’t). This will probably be the case until I make the switch to Delphi 2009 (which comes with native Unicode support, unlike the previous versions). However, there’s no free Turbo version of Delphi 2009 (yet), and I’m afraid I cannot afford the full license at the moment…
Can you please install the latest snapshot plus its mAirList.map file and post the verbose call stack (with the source code references)? Perhaps I can find a workaround.
Hi Torben, many thanks for your reply. As always a quick turnaround.
I will pass on the details to the station concerned with a request to reply with any further error messages.
Kind Regards tony
Hi Torben, the new error file:
Cannot open file “C:\Documents and Settings\Carillon\Desktop???.mp3”. The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect
09 December 2008, 15:04:58
Program Version 2.2.1 Build 542
Call stack:
[004273D2] Classes.Classes.TFileStream.Create + $11E
[0040492B] System.System.@ClassCreate + $7
[00427290] Classes.Classes.TFileStream.Create + $20
[008B1E8F] JvID3v2Base.JvID3v2Base.TJvID3Controller.DoOpen (Line 3787, “JvID3v2Base.pas” + 1) + $C
[008B28ED] JvID3v2Base.JvID3v2Base.TJvID3Controller.SetActive (Line 4270, “JvID3v2Base.pas” + 11) + $4
[008B252A] JvID3v2Base.JvID3v2Base.TJvID3Controller.Open (Line 4097, “JvID3v2Base.pas” + 0) + $2
[008BD549] MP3FilePlaylistItem.MP3FilePlaylistItem.TMP3FilePlaylistItem.LoadID3v2 (Line 102, “MP3FilePlaylistItem.pas” + 3) + $6
[008BD77E] MP3FilePlaylistItem.MP3FilePlaylistItem.TMP3FilePlaylistItem.LoadTags (Line 134, “MP3FilePlaylistItem.pas” + 2) + $3
[005B610F] mAirListFactory.mAirListFactory.TmAirListFactory.CreateFilePlaylistItem (Line 169, “mAirListFactory.pas” + 30) + $5
[00637B0A] CartPlayer.CartPlayer.TCartPlayer.miLoadClick (Line 235, “CartPlayer.pas” + 8) + $32
[00637962] CartPlayer.CartPlayer.TCartPlayer.MouseDown (Line 202, “CartPlayer.pas” + 5) + $4
[00472A3E] Controls.Controls.TControl.DoMouseDown + $76
[00470FC3] Controls.Controls.TControl.SetMouseCapture + $17
[00472A8C] Controls.Controls.TControl.WMLButtonDown + $40
[00472463] Controls.Controls.TControl.WndProc + $2BB
[00405610] System.System.@NewAnsiString + $C
[004762B9] Controls.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $499
[00402F84] System.System.@FreeMem + $4
[00405585] System.System.@LStrArrayClr + $21
[005B97B1] JclDateTime.JclDateTime.FormatDateTime (Line 1136, “JclDateTime.pas” + 143) + $23
[004762B9] Controls.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $499
[00487D8D] Forms.Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc + $4C1
[004720F0] Controls.Controls.TControl.Perform + $24
[004762B9] Controls.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $499
[00487D8D] Forms.Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc + $4C1
[00491321] Forms.Forms.TApplication.DispatchAction + $85
[004762B9] Controls.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $499
[004720F0] Controls.Controls.TControl.Perform + $24
[00487D8D] Forms.Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc + $4C1
[00423AD8] Classes.Classes.TThreadList.UnlockList + $4
[0043B6A4] Graphics.Graphics.FreeMemoryContexts + $98
[00475DCC] Controls.Controls.TWinControl.IsControlMouseMsg + $60
[004762B9] Controls.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $499
[00475A44] Controls.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[0042F4D4] Classes.Classes.StdWndProc + $14
[0046D7DE] Controls.Controls.FindControl + $42
[0048F9A8] Forms.Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage + $FC
[0048F9E2] Forms.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage + $A
[0048FC02] Forms.Forms.TApplication.Run + $96
(004CEAE7) [008CFAE7]
Strangely the station concerned reports on some PC’s all is OK.
Kind regards tony
December 9, 2008, 9:32pm
Same Windows version on all PCs?
For the moment, I can only advise not to use any non-western characters in their file names.
Hi Torben, had an answer back from the station:
On the computer that’s having problems, it’s running Windows XP Home Edition, Version 2002 Service Pack 3. This is running Mairlist build number 542
On the other it is running Windows XP Professional, Version 2002 Service Pack 3. Mairlist build number 538.
Kind Regards Tony
December 11, 2008, 7:18pm
There haven’t been any changes between these two builds, so the problem is most likely related to the configuration of that particular computer.
I found this YouTube video. It mentions a “language for non-unicode programs” setting in Control Panel. Not that I’ve ever heard of that, but it’s worth a try.
December 11, 2008, 8:24pm
Yes, that’s in the Advanced tab of the Regional and Language Options dialog in Control Panel.
For Chinese specifically, I’d also recommend the Languages tab of the same dialog, and the Install files for East Asian languages checkbox in the Supplemental language support frame. This will install the fonts and (importantly) the IMEs for Chinese, as well and for Japanese and Korean (don’t think you get a choice: it’s all three or none :().
It’ll cost you about 230MB of HD space, and might slightly slow down all text input, but it just might help on the ‘problem’ PCs that can’t handle the Chinese names at present. And you can always remove it later if it doesn’t cure the problem, esp. if you take a System Restore point before you install it ;).
Torben and Cad, cheers I will pass the details on to London Chinese Radio who are suffering the problem.
Kind Regards Tony
Cad, many thanks. LCR report all importing Ok after using the fix suggested.
Kind Regards Tony
Hi again thanks are also extended to Torben for the initial pointer who I missed in my original thank you post (my apologies).
Kind Regards Tony
December 15, 2008, 9:05am
Never mind. You’re welcome.