Import Track Number from MP3 file tags (like Album and Year)

Topic title says it all!

I’m sure I’ve requested this before, but I can’t find any previous post about it either. :smiley:

It would be VERY helpful if mAirList could include track number as one of the Attributes it creates automatically from MP3 tag contents (similar to the way Album and Year are already imported) when it reads an MP3 file for the first time.


Not a big deal. What label would you prefer for it? “Track number” or just “Track”?

Just Track would be EXCELLENT. Thanks very much!

PS: I would very much appreciate an answer to,3384.0.html as well! ;D


There’s no sense in replying when you don’t know the answer. I had to investigate the situation first. And I came up with a solution, as you may now read.

Included from b545.

Super! I’ll go and amend my Import MMD and Export MMD templates to be forward-compatible. 8)