Hi, just been given some new audio named in the filename format artist - title.
Is there a script to read this change this data in mAirList?
At the moment the audio loads as the filename in the Title Field, with the artist field blank… If not everything changed by hand or is there a tag editor to suit?
First of all, have the files already be imported into a database (mAirListDB)? If so, it’s very hard to change the information because mAirListDB keeps its own copy of the artist, title etc. tags.
If it’s brand new files, I suggest you use a tag editor like mp3tag in order to copy the artist/title information into the ID3 tag (does only work with MP3 files though), which is much better than relying on the file name. mAirList and mAirListDB will be able to read the file tags.
Google for Bulk Rename Utility: great freeware which does this job in a one go.
There are lots of similar freeware products if BRU looks too scary. Most of them can do ‘pattern’ changes to filenames using regular expressions (see below).
In effect, you want to change b( - )(.*).wma[/b] to \3\2\1.wma, correct?
Sorry: misunderstood. You instead need something that can write tags into WMAs. I assume (?) there is the ewuivalent of any of the popular MP3 tagging programs (mp3Tag, Tagscanner, etc.) for WMA? Seems likely; and such programs are invariably capable of populating the tags in a batch of files from their filenames.
Torben: any thoughts on that? Can mAirList read the WMA-format tags within WMA files, or not? If not, should still be possible to shoehorn an MP3 format tag into there.
Remind me: does 3.x read Artist - title.xxx or does it HAVE to be Artist – Title.xxx?
Also to Tony: remember there is an option in config: Miscellaneous, File Import, Import artist/title from filename if no tags exist, which needs to be ON.