Trying to set icons to work in the playlist.
Doing what the WIKI says, creating the four files for each icon - 16,24,32,64
Um … I'm confused. The four sizes of icons referred to in the Wiki are for the [b]Player[/b] buttons, but you say you want different icons for [b]playlist[/b] items. The two uses are very different!
I will assume that you do mean you want to change the Player buttons, so …
Do i have to create four for all icons e.g.
4 for play, next, stop etc before any will work.
Yes, that is correct. I think they also need to have specific names, and they also [b]all[/b] need to be the correct size, in pixels (same as the name: 16×16, 24×24, and so on).
PS: If you did mean Playlist item icons then sorry, I don’t know about those because I still use mAirList V2.0 :).
You can also assign a special icon to each particular playlist item in the Properties dialog.
By the way, exchanging the player icons does not work in v2.1 at the moment (as mentioned in the change log). It will work again once I have reworked the player design.