I Love mAirlist, I have a fantastic idea!

Guys mAirlist is the best I have tried thanks Torben and all your team you are a person I admired a lot for your great work and effort :slight_smile: but you know something very interesting that would be nice to the software, is a remote control like (mAirlist remote) to manage the station anywhere, it would be great so we can make radio and manage it from anywhere using (mAirlist remote) what do you think? Great idea right? :wink: Regards

Would you please be so kind to enter your mAirList serial number (five digits) in your forum profile?
It’s visible only for us of mAirList team, but we would like you to be seen as a “verified customer”.

Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face:

There is already such an option.
You are able to buy a management license. Using this license you are able to do all database and playlist setting/scheduling by remote. In your studio u need to run the dbserver so u are able to connect by internet.

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I use the trial version of mAirlist :slight_smile: soon I will buy a license.


On October 21st, 2021, 11:23 p.m. (link) you wrote:

And now I’m a little… at a loss.
Translation by Google for german “ratlos” :thinking:

Correct use of deepl.com to translate words :slight_smile: