I have a script that performs a HTTPGET function. It seems to work at home, yet when testing on the live computer, the system log shows a message similar to this (if i can recall it) - HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden (The ISA Server…
I can’t remember the rest, but we have also tested this with the firewall turned off etc yet still the same problem.
What could be causing it to be blocked? Would be great if i could be enlightened!
403 is the error code returned by the web server. This proves that the communication does work, but the server refused the request for some reason. You should check the server log file, there might be a more detailed error message there.
Have you opening calling the same URL with a web browser from the same PC? Does that work?
Forgot to add…here is the snipett of the script performing the HTTPGet function if it is of any use to you, although i’m sure it’s not a script problem - http://www.nowwebsitedesign.co.uk/HTTPGet.txt
It turns out that through the ISA server, the request from mAirList is going through as anonymous, therefore being blocked. This also explains why through a browser it works, as we are logged in as a user, which has access granted!
So somehow (which is when your help comes in), we need mAirList to have a username implemented into the script…confusing, but basically mairlist can’t be outputting anonymous.
The connection goes through the school ISA server which needs authentication to get through the proxy…
When executing the code through mairlist, it is going through the server as anonymous, where as it needs a username authentication.
We know the usernames and proxy settings etc, but don’t know how to get mairlist to ‘have’ a username as such so it is authenticated.