Google have teamed-up with the makers of DCS, SS32 and Maestro to bring you their own radio playout package. The layout looks pretty standard, and they seem to have some good features in there.
However, it does have a few bugs, notably:
[ul][li]When searching for “Queen”, it’ll come back with “did you mean Status Quo?”[/li]
[li]During an ad-break, a completely random GoogleAd will be inserted, usually for a product of no relevance whatsoever[/li]
[li]On special calendar days, the screen layout will resemble the theme for that particular day[/li][/ul]
Although it does have a random-song feature called “I’m Feeling Lucky”…
Judging by the fact they supply a 19" server-case and the hardware, I think it’ll be costing “big bucks” and aimed for the larger stations. There still appears to be some competition here in the UK - GCap were previously rolling-out Genesys across their stations (stations had typically used BCX2 prior to that). The other favourite being RCS Master Control.
However, what with Global Radio owning pretty much most of the UK now in terms of radio coverage - anything is possible!
Geek note: Genesys is available as buy-out, RCS is a rolling license.
I thinkt google can´t be successful with this part of software. It´s to pricy (mAirList is cheaper) and noone, especting of a few radiostations, will use it.
Googles success is publishing software everyone can use, for example GMail, GoogleEarth oder GoogleTalk. That are all things everyone really need.
So I think that it´s not a serious problem for mAirList.
But I can´t understand why google publish a software like a radioautomation? It´s mindless!
As the site states, the “brains” behind the software is those who created DCS (an MS-DOS based advert playout app) and SS32 - popular in the States. It appears that they’ve purchased Computer Concepts Corporation (or whatever was left). They also released a program called Maestro (which Virgin Radio UK used for a while, dropping it in favour of Genesys).
As for the hardware - I’m sure Torben will agree that (although time consuming) supplying a fully configured system with sound/graphics devices that are 100% compliant and tested is a way to avoid forum posts along the lines of “my regional ads won’t play” This is why with a program like mAirList - you’ve got to be quite prepared to work “behind the scenes” to configure it to your needs/tastes.
Many people/stations, however, do prefer the “works straight out of the box” solution…
[quote=“beni, post:7, topic:4977”]Googles success is publishing software everyone can use, for example GMail, GoogleEarth oder GoogleTalk. That are all things everyone really need.
But I can´t understand why google publish a software like a radioautomation? It´s mindless![/quote] I neither need nor use any of the Google apps. you mention. In fact, I warn people not to use GMail because Google keep a copy of everything on their servers for several months/years even if you delete it.
I suspect the reasons Google are publishing radio automation are:
Because they can.
When a Search is done and the track doesn’t exist: to make money from directing you to the download site.
To make money by selling all the statistics of all tracks played using their software back to the record companies (do you think they won’t compile statistics on the central Google servers? :P).
Using their statistics about your station to make money by sending you allegedly ‘targeted’ advertising (which is their real business).
Or in other words, another part of Google’s attempt at world domination. Google are untrustworthy, money-grubbing scum who are in the pockets of the US government: never ever install any of their software and avoid all their products except the search engine!
Cad, you say it!
I warn people to use not Gmail and some other things by google, too.
Google is a searchengine and should stay that. The biggest danger is that google can get the power to govern the world by manipulating facts or e-mails. You know what i mean?