I am using mAirList to play pre mixed dance music in automation mode. So for example, once the first track finishes the next will mix in automatically (because the tracks have been mixed in together in Ableton Live then separated into individual tracks)
When the track ends the next one should play in smoothly however once the end of file is reached there is a small gap. Is there anyway of configuring mAirList so that there is no gap in-between songs in automation mode.
mAirList does not support gapless playback. This is the downside of mAirList’s very powerful internal architecture supporting many types of audio sources (files, streams, silence, virtual containers, …).
You could try to create put the files into a container. Containers tend to produce a smaller gap when starting the next item.
If the results are not satisfying, you will have to merge the files first using an audio editor or so.
Make sure you have NO silence at start OR end of tracks. If not, use the File Tagger in mAirList to mark correct CueIn and CueOut points for each track.
Check that none of the tracks have had a FadeOut point applied automatically by mAirList. If so, DELETE the FadeOut points. (mAirList can automatically place FadeOut, CueIn and CueOut points into ‘new’ tracks; depends on your Config).
In Config, change the default fade out time to zero. But ONLY do this if playing out dance tracks ‘seamlessly’ is the ONLY kind of playout that you do!
Finally: as Torben said, mAirList may still leave very tiny gaps. Another way you can ‘solve’ this is to place a StartNext point very near the end of each track. This will force the next track to begin slightly earlier.