Edditing overlaps on another computer

Hi guys

Is it possible to edit the overlaps first on a production pc before put them on the server .

Our situation is as follows . In my home studio we do the most editing ( sometimes during weekend live broadcasts) And live broadcast are comming from our dedicated server. What i want to know is when we edit the overlaps , like jingles commercials. And put them in the same dir as it is on our server is the overlap still standing on our server ?



mAirList does not “magically” save the metadata into the file tags, but only if explicitly requested by the user. Mind the “Export to…” buttons at the bottom of the Properties dialog and the mAirListTag application.

If you’re using a networked mAirListDB, you can even attach you client PC to the server database and edit the metadata directly on the database (given that the files are available on your client PC, e.g. as a synchronized copy).

Note that you need a separate license for the client PC in either case. The cheaper management license will do, if you don’t need the playout GUI.

Yes we have two licence one pro and one personal edition. I am still looking at the manual to set it up . Will continue tonight . So basicly when you edit in the studio pc and you connect the database over the internet than the files will be saved as well on the server… If i understand you correctly


Correct. To do this, you need (on EACH PC) to go into Config, then:

  1. Click Database to connect to the networked DB. Be sure to Test each connection. :wink:
  2. Click Runtime Features to make sure you have Save to Database in Item Properties and PFL dialogs
    switched ON (which is the default). This is what shows the Database button (see below).
    ref: p62 of the manual; p72 of the PDF file.
  3. When saving cue point marker settings, click Database in the Export data to … box.
    Then, every PC using the same database will ‘see’ the same single bunch of settings.

One final point: try to ensure that EACH PC is using the SAME build of mAirList if possible. So if you use the snapshot versions, be sure to put the SAME snapshot build on EACH PC after you’ve tested it one one of them.

Hope that helps?


[quote=“poprockfm, post:3, topic:7278”]Yes we have two licence one pro and one personal edition. I am still looking at the manual to set it up . Will continue tonight . So basicly when you edit in the studio pc and you connect the database over the internet than the files will be saved as well on the server… If i understand you correctly


The Personal Edition license cannot connect to the networked mAirListDB. You need at least a Professional Edition Management license.

Hi Chad

in my studio i have the mairlist personal edition , When i check the database i can only choose for the local mode. How do i set it up to get the network version.


[quote=“poprockfm, post:6, topic:7278”]Hi Chad

in my studio i have the mairlist personal edition , When i check the database i can only choose for the local mode. How do i set it up to get the network version.



The personal edition runs a LOCAL database only, so it will not communicate with the NETWORK versions. In other words, the local database is self contained and is a completely different database from the network.

If you wish to make remote changes to the network database, you do not need the personal edition (and it won’t work anyway); instead, obtain a management license for each computer that needs to “talk” to the database, except of course the computer that hosts the database.

One word of caution, however, is that I don’t know whether the management software will communicate over a WAN, such as the Internet. That question would best be answered by Torben or Cad.

Regards, Alec

Hé Alec

Thanks for your reaction on this . This is exactly what i mean it is indead over wan not lan, maybe i was not quit clear about it


I think mAirListDB should work across a WAN, Goos, but Torben would be the only person who could say for certain, and I don’t have any easy way to try it here myself here.

Certainly PostgreSQL works across WANs, hence my 70%-confident prediction above that mAirListDB will do the same. ;D

I should perhaps add that even though a Management Licence doesn’t include the main mAirList playout screen, you DO still get a full Item Properties page in mAirListDB and mAirListTag, including the all-important PFL tab; you are still able to listen to items using the mini-player at the bottom of the mAirListDB window; and you can still preview segues using the PFL button :wink: on the Playlist tab in mAirListDB.


PostgreSQL works seamlessly over a WAN. It just needs a single open TCP port.

The problem is that you need access to audio files as well (remember that PostgreSQL is only used to store the metadata, not the actual files). There’s a number of ways to accomplish this:

  • Keep a synchronized copy of all files on your local hard disk, using a tool like rsync.

  • Set up a VPN between your server and the client PC, and mount the audio folder as a network share.

  • Use a tool that simulates a network share over an FTP connection - I know that there is a software like this, I just cannot remember its name right now.

I have been working on a way to simplify this task, using a web server, but it isn’t working reliably yet.

Ok, here’s another method you can try. I wasn’t aware that it works out of the box, but it does, at least for my setup.

First, you need to install a web server on your server box if you haven’t done so already. I’m using Apache, but IIS might work as well. All instructions below are for Apache though.

Second, mount your storage folder, e.g. C:\music, into the web server directory structure using an alias:

Alias /music “C:/music”

This allows you to access your C:\music folder as http://yourserver.com/music

If you have more than one storage, repeat the step above for all storages using a different alias each time. For example, “C:\Jingles” becomes /jingles or so.

Now install mAirList on your client PC and set up the mAirListDB connection to the PostgreSQL server on your server box as per the instructions in the manual. Test the connection and make sure that you can start the mAirListDB management app, see the list of folders and files, edit the files and so on - all tasks except playback of files should be working at this point.

Inside the mAirListDB app, go to Administration -> Configuration -> Storages. You should see the list of storages along with their local folder on your server box. Double-click each storage, and in the configuration dialog, enter the appropriate URL for each storage as the Local Folder. For example, for the C:\music storage, enter “http://yourserver.com/music”.

At this point, you should be able to listen to all of your files. mAirList will transfer them from the Apache server in the background when you start the playback. This may involve a little delay, especially for large files, but it should still work.

When you double-click a file and look at the filename in the Properties dialog, you will see a somewhat weird string with mixed forward and backward slashes, e.g. “http://yourserver.com/music\some folder\artist title.mp3”. At least Apache is able to handle these mixed delimiteres correctly. I’m not sure if IIS does.

You should consider protecting the web server directory with a username and password, as explained in the Apache documentation (HTTP basic authentication). If you do so, you must include the username and password in the URL that you enter in the mAirListDB configuration, e.g. http://username:secret@yourserver.com/music.

Thanks Torben

Will check it out. Only the thing is that i am not so good to set up an vpn connection to my server. So baicicly the thing is that on my home computer i must have the same maps as on the computer in our data centre With a rsync programme and vpn should do the trick as i understood from you



Do you have a web server (Apache etc.) running on the server box? The method I explained in my recent post should be the most simple one then.

No not appache on the server. Just windows 2003 K server standard

Well, then just get and install one. It’s free :slight_smile:


Ok i have installed the appache server. It works as you saw in my personal email to you. I have 4 drives on our server. On the e drive is all the music stored.
I am installing now the postgress again. Had a issue with the http doc page what was mentioned in the manual from chad. Something was changed wrongly. Will correct it again. Let you now this afternoon.
How do i set the music to the apache http doc or do I relink it to the e drive


You just need to add the Alias line to your httpd.conf and restart the Apache service. See e.g. here: http://www.thewebhostinghero.com/tutorials/apache-alias.html

ok , postgress is now installed. Apache working , need to change the line will do it tonight. Let you know


I have installed postgress and i am seeing now the following


IPv4 local connections:

host all all md5

IPv6 local connections:

#host all all ::1/128 md5

must i change it like an example ip number from my wan interface ?


The following line allows all hosts to connect to your server:

host  all  all md5

If your client PC has a fixed IP, you can restrict the access to that IP, which is of course more secure.

Also take a look at the postgresql.conf file and make sure that the line

listen_addresses = '*'

is not commented out (no # at the beginning of the line), otherwise PostgreSQL will not listen on the WAN interface at all.

Remember to restart PostgreSQL after you made these changes.