Dipping audio when playing a cart?


I’ve been playing with mAirList for a few weeks now and have to say I love it. It does all the things I’ve been looking for and loads more (the ability to PFL through a different sound source is amazing…)

Anyhow: I may be missing a feature already built in, but something I’d love to have is the ability to dip the volume of music tracks while I fire a jingle. I can drop jingles in over tracks at the moment, but as they play out at the same level, they seem to be fighting it out. It’d be really useful if you could set the playlist to automatically dip to a lower volume while a cart plays, then return to full volume once the cart has ended.

As I say, it may be able to do this already, so please let me know if I can find this feature somewhere! If not, it’d be brilliant if it could be built into a future version.

Thanks for a great piece of software!

Hi, James! Welcome to—to paraphrase your post—the wonderful world of mAirList. Like you, I discovered this gem relatively recently (a few months now), and I hope you have read the Windows Help, the online manual, and (if you’re of a programming mind) the scripting Windows Help file. I can also recommend >cough< the Wiki… :wink:

We are all a helpful lot in here, and I know you will find Torben’s speed of response to ANY issue or feature request truly second to none.

As to auto-dipping, in theory this could be done using mAirList scripting, but you would still need separate outputs for your (I assume?) Cartwall and Playlist players. The script would need to respond to a Cartwall player start ‘event’ by dipping the volume of the (main) Playlist output; and also respond to a Cartwall player ‘stop’ (? or fade) ‘event’ by restoring the level to 100%.

I’m sure other more experienced scripters here could produce some some sample code, but it would obviously need to be handled carefully, otherwise it could sound very much like flicking a big switch labelled 0 dB and -18 dB on and off (if that makes sense?).

Anyway, that’s my two penn’orth. :slight_smile:

Any takers on this one?


Hello James, and welcome to the mAirList community!

mAirList assumes that you have connected your PC to a mixing desk, and use separate outputs for each player, and a separate output for the cartwall. You can then use the mixing desk to adjust the volume of the respective channels as needed. This is why there are no volume sliders etc. in mAirList. Given this setup, I don’t see the need for an auto-dip function.

I also doubt that an auto-dip function leads to satisfying results. The amount of volume to decrease depends on the song; some loud ones will need more, others will need less. It’s the same issue as with the “voice talkover” feature found in other playout software, specifically designed for the home internet radio makers. It never sounds as good as “hand made”.

However, Cad is right - you can use the Scripting system for this, but only in the current development release mAirList 2.1 (some required functions are missing in mAirList 2.0). You need a notification script reacting on CartPlayerStart and CartPlayerStop, and then calling SetVolume for each player object. If you need an example script, please let me know.


PS: Cad, don’t be so self-deprecating about the Wiki, it’s brilliant!