Database search problem


I’m using mAirlist 2.2.0 build 531, with an eldoDB. The database loads fine, all files play fine. But I can’t search anything in the database search browser. When the keyboard is set to lower case letter (like it is here when I type this message) nothing (not even a prompt) appears in the search box. If I switch the caps lock on, whatever I type does appear, but the search won’t find anything as my files names are not all in capitals.

Any idea how to solve this problem?



Strange. Never heard of this.

You don’t use the ordinary character keys as global hotkeys, do you?

[quote=“Torben, post:2, topic:5391”]Strange. Never heard of this.

You don’t use the ordinary character keys as global hotkeys, do you?[/quote]

If you mean whether I use the ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, etc. keys as hotkeys for the cartwall, then yes I do. Isn’t that the right way? But I have to say that I can’t remember it doing this since I’ve set the hotkeys up for the cartwall. Doesn’t mean, btw, that it didn’t do it; I just can’t remember it. I just suddenly noticed that I can’t type anything in the database search box anymore.

I had experienced exactly this in the event editor, in fact global keys will not let you type into any of the dialog boxes within mairList.

The secret is to define key commands as local or not use the standard keys A, B C etc.

Use instead a key combination Alt A or Shift A etc are a good compromise.

hth tony

[quote=“tony wilding, post:4, topic:5391”]I had experienced exactly this in the event editor, in fact global keys will not let you type into any of the dialog boxes within mairList.

The secret is to define key commands as local or not use the standard keys A, B C etc.

Use instead a key combination Alt A or Shift A etc are a good compromise.

hth tony[/quote]

That’s a shame, because a key combo like Alt A is relatively useless as a hotkey for the cartwall. The whole point is that you only have to press one button to get the jingle started when you’re on-air. Pressing Alt and then A just to start a jingle is, as I said, pretty useless. So I think I’ll have to have a look at an external keyboard, like X-Keys or Preh, which is a shame… Oh well, onwards and upwards…

Hi RojanUk, we use the tipro keyboard featured in the link below. Sometimes you can find them on ebay at a good price. Otherwise P Squared will give you a good price on the keyboard and the keycaps.

Kind regards tony

[quote=“tony wilding, post:6, topic:5391”]Hi RojanUk, we use the tipro keyboard featured in the link below. Sometimes you can find them on ebay at a good price. Otherwise P Squared will give you a good price on the keyboard and the keycaps.

Kind regards tony[/quote]

Great tip Tony! thanks! :wink:

Remember that the number-pad and the numbers at the top of the keyboard are different - so if you really must use “normal” keys as HotKeys, you could use the numbers. At Phoenix, we are just using F1/F2 for the Players, and F5/6 to toggle Automation, F7 as Start:Next and F8 as a Stop - although most people seem to prefer the mouse. We have a 5x5 Cartwall array, too.

I did know about the number-pad and the number at the top of the keyboard. I also use F1/F2 for the players, I don’t use automation, so I don’t need that one. But this topic is specifically about the cartwall hotkeys. I currently have a 5x7 cartwall and every one of those players has a hotkey attached. The first ten players are the number on the number-pad and the rest are letters of the normal keyboard. And it seems that the latter is causing the problem. Now, as you say, I could assign the numbers at the top of the keyboard as well, but that only gives me ten more hotkeys (if I can’t use the letters, that is) and then you’re left with the question what to do about the other cartwall players. They then can’t have a hotkey, because there are no keyboard buttons left. So I think that the Tipro keyboard, as suggested by Tony, is the only way to go, really.

Actually, now I read your reply again, the maths don’t add up with you either. Are you using hotkeys for that 5x5 cartwall and if so, which ones?

No, I’m saying that we have a 5x5 array :wink: Mouse-only. I bring the QWERTY onto the desk when I do a show but most of the presenters tend to prefer the mouse. We also have a little USB number-pad knocking around, this has 4 programmable buttons at the top which I’ve set as Player Start/Stop, Auto On/Off and Next. The * also doubles as ExtraPFL. Makes it really easy using one of those mini-pads, you can navigate the Browser with arrow keys, hit Enter to load the item and control the Players, too.

As Tony said, a Tipro keyboard may help… a KM064 or 96 model would be ideal to work as a Cartwall/Player controller.

Hi RojanUK, sorry I cannot help more. We use iTunes (until mAirListDB) as a search tool. iTunes lets us search in upper or lowercase so this problem may be more related to eldodb.

Kind Regards Tony

The seller on ebay has these keyboards in stock again:|39%3A1|66%3A2|65%3A12|240%3A1318&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14

[quote=“tony wilding, post:11, topic:5391”]Hi RojanUK, sorry I cannot help more. We use iTunes (until mAirListDB) as a search tool. iTunes lets us search in upper or lowercase so this problem may be more related to eldodb.

Kind Regards Tony

The seller on ebay has these keyboards in stock again:|39%3A1|66%3A2|65%3A12|240%3A1318&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14[/quote]

That’s fine, Tony. I appreciate it that you’ve tried. But the problem here is caused by the hotkeys I’ve set for the cartwall, which is conflicting with the database search field in the browser. I’m definately going to give that Tipro keyboard some thought.

If you’re REALLY on the cheap, you could use two sets of four BUZZ! controllers (as discussed elsewhere in here). Those give you twenty buttons per set of four controllers, and can be easily configured in mAirList.

(PS: XP recognises these without any drivers; so for once it IS plug’n’play!)