Database driver

Hi, firstly please excuse me that my request is in English (its my only language).

Hopefully someone can advise of the database driver i need to make radiodb work with postgres.

Any help would be appreciated.

Kind Regards Tony.

First you need to download libpg73.dll from
Put it into your mAirList Folder.

You need to enter postgresql as Protocol in the mAirList config!

The next Version of RadioDB is going to be available in English and German!

You need version 7.3 of libpq.dll, which can be obtained here:

Specify “postgresql-7.3” in the respective configuration entry.

This DLL works fine with any recent server version. I’d suggest you use the latest 8.1.x release.


Many Thanks cevou and tw.

Now my problems begin.

Generates the error message (when starting mairlist)
Error logging into database:SQL error:Fatal: database “radiodb” does not exist.Database disabled

RadioDB is stored under my C:documents\folder name

Is this the correct path?
Again help would be welcome.Tony

Ok Tony.

First you need to create a Databse with either pgAdmin (which is installed with PostgreSQL) or the command line.
After that you need to edit the dbase.ini in your RadioDB folder. Then you can start “RadioDB Datenbank.exe”. This tool helps you to install the RadioDB database. Just click “Datenbank neu installieren”. Then you will be asked if you really want to install the Databse. Click Yes. After a few seconds you should get a message, that the database was installed. Then you’re done with RadioDB Datenbank.exe and you can start RadioDB.exe.

I hope that understandable!

Thank you cevou, your reply was easy to understand, I only hope my questions continue to be so.

I have created the databse in pgAdmin and tried to run the RadioDB Datenbank.exe.

The following error is returned:

Kann keine datenbank verbindung herstellen

Did you get a message after installing the database the the database was installed properly? This error is caused by wrong information in the dbase.ini. So reckeck your settings in dbase.ini and try installing the dbase again.

Cevou, many thanks.

Password was wrong.

Although in German? it will help get an understanding of how things work.

I hope you understand the german user interface.