I’ve just discovered this wonderful software, never seen a software like that… Great work…
I wanna know if someone there could help me… In France, we must have a metadata update every 30 s to prevent streamrippers (it’s the law for webstation).
So, for that purpose, I change the metadata with the current and the upcoming song automatically with a software but I need two text files, now.txt and next.txt. So that the software can fetch them and change automatically the metadata.
since there is no such law in Germany - only a license obligation by an IFPI-Organisation called GVL - we are left alone with the streamripper problem. We are not allowed to show listeners the next title(s) to be played.
Maybe there is another idea to protect your stream from rippers. A friend of mine has a rotating update “title - station name - date-/timestamp - title” on his stream each 30 seconds. I will ask him how he realised it.
since there is no such law in Germany - only a license obligation by an IFPI-Organisation called GVL - we are left alone with the streamripper problem. We are not allowed to show listeners the next title(s) to be played.
Maybe there is another idea to protect your stream from rippers. A friend of mine has a rotating update “title - station name - date-/timestamp - title” on his stream each 30 seconds. I will ask him how he realised it.
Salutations de Francfort-sur-le-Main,
Yes, I know how to do that thing, but it’s a choice for our station to show the next title in our stream. We are currently using another automation software and I’m planning to use this one when I will be able to do that thing…
It’s like a trademark for us lol, we were the first webradio to do that rotating update with the next title…
So, I’m wondering if somebody have the answer, it would be great.