Cue point display: 1/100th second option, please?

In the new Cue Point dialog, the cue point time values shown under each category now display only minutes and seconds: the only way to see the 1/100th second value is to make that cue point the ‘current’ one so it is displayed with its 1/100th second value in the right-hand half of the dialog.

Would it be possible to add an option to have the time values under each category (or in Simple Cue Dialog mode, beside the category) display the full time value including 1/100th seconds?

Thanks in advance.


Will this be at least an option in 2.1.41 please, Torben?


Included in v.41.

Lovely! Thank you again.

And I was thinking again tonight what a fabulous achievement mAirList is: it’s truly the best radio playout software this side of several thousand Euro IMHO.


Hi Cad, I second that!

Be nice now to close feature requests so Torben can work toward another stable release and also the scheduling side of things.

Kind regards tony

One request I had here just yesterday was ‘when will mAirList have a database so we can (for example) search for a 1970s track?’

Mind you, right now Leith FM is using AtomixMP3 (don’t laugh—it was NOT my choice!!!) to play out music tracks. Like the present mAirList, you can only Search the Title and Artist in Atomix, so it’s not as if mAirList would in any sense be a downgrade ;D.

All that said, I agree it would be a good idea to ‘freeze’ new feature requests for a month or two.


mAirListDB will certainly have this search functionality. Just don’t ask me when mAirListDB will be available :wink:

Anyway, I will now concentrate on producing a nice new stable release (only bugfixes and easy-to-implement new features). The database will be the next big project after mAirList 3.0.