Tonight, I will speak about the ramp countdown overlay.
When my ramp duration is superior to 1min, countdown overlay shows only the seconds above the minute and then the seconds below the minute.
For example : 1 min 14 for the ramp duration (yes ! it’s possible !).
Countdown overlay shows 14, 13, 12… to 0 and then shows 59, 58, 57, … to 0. Then it disappears (normal).
I think there is a setting to modify that and to see
Count down overlay show 1:14, 1:13, 1:12… to 0. Then it disappears (always normal ^^).
But which one ?
Thank you all.
In principle, you have to set the ramp time format to something that includes the minute (e.g. “nn:ss”), and then activate the GUI option “Auto-truncate time”.
Unfortunately, the truncate function is not very clever. It only removes double 0s at the beginning of the string. It should also be able to remove the : sign when the value is below one minute.
But that is not easy to achieve. As you know, you can define the time format freely in the playlist configuration. mAirList does not parse the format by itself, but simply passes it to Delphi’s FormatDateTime function. So mAirList doesn’t really know which of the characters in the format string are actually variables (for minute, second, …), and which characters are delimiters (like : or .).
The only solution I see is to abandon the freely configurable time formats altogether and go back to the “show ramp in seconds instead of milliseconds” mechanism from mAirList 2.2, or offer the ability to specify the desired precision (seconds, 1/10 seconds, 1/100 seconds etc.) instead. Only then mAirList will be able to know how to handle the individual formats, and how many digits it can cut from the beginning of the string when the value is below certain thresholds.
Thank for your reply Torben…
I understand very well your problem (perhaps because I’m also a developer because it’s not a very simple argumentation), but defining the format is enough for me. No matter if I see “0:45” instead of “45”… it looks really good 
I didn’t think about the time format of the “ramp”… There are so few settings that I should admit I’m often feel lost