Is it possible to somehow display the fact that an audio file has been tagged with mAirlist data? I am mainly thinking about mp3 files as some have embedded mAirList data [Thanks to CAD for the steer on TagStudio - it’s great!], others have MMD files and the rest don’t have either.
I know that I am not the most organised person in the world however I am sure that I am not the only one who has this combination of mp3 files. I have no idea how this would work but thought that I would throw it into the pot …
On the same subject - wouldn’t it be good to know which files have hooks defined …
Would be great if there was a way to see if a track has a hook easily. I have had several instances where in a hook container the whole song has started up as it hasnt got a hook, but i wasnt to know without loading up PFL windows.
Could be a column that shows whether the song has a hook. a simple tick next to the item perhaps.
Ah - that’s where I am not quite clear on the best way to do this!
I was thinking along the same lines as Lackster that possibly the listings in the browser window could have an additional column which could show a ‘F’ if there is mAirlist tags in the audio file, ‘M’ if it read from the MMD file, ‘D’ if it is from a database.
This could be extended to ‘MH’ to show that the data is from the MMD file and a hook has been defined or ‘FL’ to show the data is read from the file and there is a Loop defined etc
I’m not sure how workable this would be - perhaps it will stimulate the thoughts of some others …
Ok, so you’re talking about the main playlist. At this time, the playlist items do not remember where they got their data from initially. I’ll keep this on my lists of requests.
I wasn’t thinking of the playlist (after the song has been picked) more from a source display such as the directory or directory tree in the browser section and of course the database browser/search lists.
when creating a hook, could there be a tick box next to it that when ticked confirms there being a hook created.
Then, in the playlist it displays in a HOOK column whether there is a hook. not entirely sure how you could introduce it. it would be the simplest way though to see whether there is a hook.
Explorer columns that mean we can instantly sort via artist/title/length/year etc. I’d guess that may slow down the Brower loading a bit ? Hooks could be shown via an * in a “Hook” column, maybe.
The whole browser idea is a good one also. We would still need something in the playlist though i would say otherwise once the files are added to the playlist, how are we supposed to remember whether an item has a hook or not.
I agree that if you have a Hook indicator (I agree that * or blank sounds good) in the Browser, we would need the same in Playlists, which would mean a new VirtualTreeview column: I think this new column should be an icon/graphic like the current Icon and Link columns, defaulting to a Captain Hook type graphic of … er … a hook! (Would anyone like to deisgn one?)
I also like Charlie’s idea of an Explorer-style Browser pane for at least Search results and ideally for Directory and Directory Tree panes as well (though I accept that those last two may not be possible). Right-clicking the headings would display an Explorer-style context menu with a ‘tickable’ list of the available column names, which as Charlie suggested would include (at least) Title, Artist, Duration, Hook, and Year.
[quote=“tony wilding, post:11, topic:4478”]Hi, I Like the idea of the explorer type browser as then we could see the duration before loading audio into a playlist or player.
This would bring about a feature suggested sometime ago.
Kind regards tony[/quote]
hi Torben, any plans to introduce this into the browser.
We really need to see the length of the item in the browser before loading into a playlist during live assist.
One of our members has written a little app that measures this length and adds it in minutes and seconds as part of the filename. However I refuse to use this as audio will no longer have a filename that third party schedulers will recognise when attempting to maintain the scheduling rules.
Short-term solution, Tony - Would an OnTheFly Database be suitable ? You can press “enter” on the search box to show all items, then sort via Artist/Title/Length.
Any further on this Torben. Having set several directories to display as an On the Fly database this seems to increase the startup time of mAirList. Rescan directories is turned off.
Ideally the duration of each item should display in the browser pane before audio is loaded into a player or playlist.
I found a neat trick for this - As I’ve been tagging my songs using MP3Tag (ID3 Genres matching my DPS ones), I can export to a file (m3u, txt, xml etc) a list of all files or those based upon a filter - So I can export an M3U of my XMAS songs for example. Now that I’ve got an M3U playlist of a certain song group, I can load that into the Browser upon startup via standart.mlt. This then presents the songs with Artist, Title, Duration columns. Obviously there’s no search facility but it’s a workaround.
Even then mAirList has to read the cache files. You will also notice that mAirList consumes memory. How many files do you have in those folders?
Ideally the duration of each item should display in the browser pane before audio is loaded into a player or playlist.
For the database browsers, this should already be the case. For the directory browsers, the problem is that those are basically embedded Explorer windows. I think that it’s possible to display the duration of an audio file as an extra column in Windows Explorer (right?), but I still don’t know how to do this in these “clones” used as directory browsers.
You should be able to display most properties if the object/control you’re using can truly emulate the Windows Explorer viewer. If you right-click a grey column on Exporer, you can enable a variety of options: Artist, Title, Bitrate, Duration, Year etc.
Looking at the directories, they hold from 30 items upto a thousand or so. In all if everything was loading as an On The Fly Database as many as 15 directories.