Is it possible to put a picture in mairlist main windows background ?
I added a screenobject with the picture, and I move the screenobject to the top of the screenobjects list… I aimed to see the other screenobjects over the picture. It seems to be okay, but what about the playlist, cartwall and the others standard objects ?
How putting the picture behind all the object ? first, is it possible ? and if yes, how ?
Charlie, where can I find the complete list of all the keyword that allows skin.ini, and the complete list of all the section name (like “[MainWindow]”…etc…) ?
Indeed, as I read the wiki, there is some keywords, but not the complete list. For instance, “Background” for “[MainWindow]” section was not mentioned…
For having a good background of what the skin.ini possibilities are, I would like to read all the section names and all the keyword name for each section names, in order to configure as better as possible…
I don’t think there is a complete list - I’ve added to mine after seeing users post their files on this forum, but you can use mine and see if you have any missing lines. Mine should have most of them… you can ;comment out any lines you do not want. There are many variables for the Font settings as each state (Play, Fade, Next etc) can each have their own colour and size - it can get confusing!
I’ve included the ScreenObject sections so you can see the various settings for those… This skin produces the attached screen layout.
I like your skin, it’s beautiful… especially the icon for music chain which reminds me Selector and Master Control
Little question : is it possible to get rid of the toolbar where “New”, “Save”, “Events”, “Cartwall” (…) options are seen ?
What settings do I have to uncheck for hidding this toolbar ? I tried with layout designer to assign “0” at the left, top, width and height settings. But, it doesn’t save the “0” for width and height.
Yes, I’ve already seen this layout on your website
It’s really cool, it’s true !! Very similar to the original, except for the log on the second monitor
For information, know that the Hotkeys program (on the down-part of the first screen) includes only 3 players at the right, and the hotkeys uses a 5x5 matrix of carts 8)
Just for information because this layout is really good !!
Toolbar is always display. Indeed, we have to hide the elements we don’t need and so, if we don’t want to display the toolbar, all elements must be “off”… I better understand.
But, you imagine, nothing is okay for first try with me : here is my Toolbar section
But, Actions button doesn’t display on the toolbar. I have only the “open”, “save”, and “insert” button… What’s going wrong here ?
PS : I worked all the evening until now for building a skin. I will give you a screenshot as soon as I finished to customize the playlist object with color, icon and so on…
The Actions button will only show if you have scripts defined in “Scripting” under mAirListConfig - the button is invisible otherwise I have my “Load Current Playlist Hour” script in there so that I can instantly load a playlist based on the current system date+time.
Yes, please show your layout - it’s always nice to see how other people configure their screen. There are many examples in the German forums which I’ve borrowed ideas from.
Here is where I’m for now in my mairlist layout… I didn’t customize the browser and the playlist yet… Only the background and the others screen elements…
I give it to you to show you the beginning. I will post another screenshot as soon as I finish the complete appearance…
PS : I tried to install LED.ttf, that I found on this forum, but Windows can’t install it. It indicates that this font is probable damaged So, I use “digital” for little counterdown.
That’s a really nice layout - I like the 3D borders.
We had a few problems with the LED font - the one I originally used appeared to be copyright so I think Cad managed to find one that was free to use/distribute.