Here is my new daily questions lol.
I found the “BROWSER” commands and it’s perfect. For my needs, I will configure a whole keyboard for using mAirlist without mouse. And I try to make the action “insert an item to the playlist” with the keyboard. The “BROWSER” commands allows me to focus and to navigate among items. It’s good. But, how can I do for insert the item to the playlist ? I thought the “BROWSER SELECT” command will do that job, but it doesn’t. Is there any solution to send command for insert an item from the browser to the playlist ?
Moreover, what’s is the aim to the “BROWSER SELECT” command ? When we go up and down, the item is selected. This command is useless, isn’t it ?
About the “AUTOMATION 1” command, I experiment many problems. The “NEXT” and “PLAY” works perfectly. But the “STOP” doesn’t stop the playback… And what’s the aim of “AUTOMATION 1 BREAK” ? When I pressed it, it does nothing.
Finally, ma last question is about the transition between AUTO and ASSIST. I thought the command “AUTOMATION 1 ON” and “AUTOMATION 1 OFF” would do that job, the first for going to “AUTO” mode and the second for going to “ASSIST” mode. But it doesn’t again.
Indeed, the “AUTOMATION 1 ON” transfers me to “ASSIST” mode when I’m in “AUTO” mode. And the “AUTOMATION 1 OFF” is effectless.
Sorry for all these questions, but I try to configure all the keyboard for being compatible with all functions. At the end, mAirlist will be operate only with this keyboard : no mouse, no touchscreen… So, I have to be able to do all the main task with hotkeys.
The AUTOMATION 1 STOP command will fade+stop the Playlist - but only from auto. It will fade out the current item using the Global Fade Out duration (unless the item playing has a specific fade set by you). The item is then grey-out and assumed to be “played”.
AUTOMATION 1 BREAK is essentially a “pause playlist after this item” - I don’t think there is any screen indication that you have pressed it, but the Playlist will stop after the current item and wait for you - It’s a bit like adding an Automation Break marker or changing the stop/segue icon on RCS
I made a playlist, and I put mairList in “AUTO” mode (I will not use the “ASSIST” mode for my needs). I clicked sur “PLAY”… The playlist starts.
But, when I pressed the button sending the command “AUTOMATION 1 STOP”, the item doesn’t fade, and doesn’t stop. And I checked the command I’d parametrized to the key of my keyboard to be sure to not have made mistake.
For the “AUTOMATION 1 BREAK”, I know what it should do. But I thought there was an screen indication for this action. I will verify if it works…
A Quickie before we leave for holiday. Cad thanks for the good wishes elsewhere in the forums. 8)
Browser select I recall is for version 3, Torben will correct this if I’m wrong.
To load an item from the browser to the playlist, press enter. This can also be mapped to a custom keyboard.
To load from the playlist to a player:
Use PLAYER 1-1 LOAD etc as a hotkey in the remotes.
Alternately in the config set load Player on demand.
With this, any player that is empty will load and play if you press start on this player.
Car packed, off in the next 20.
Kind Regards tony
btw:hope the hotel has wireless.
Snap we posted at the same time, you are right Automation 1 Stop does not stop any audio playing, instead letting that item play to its end. Using Automation 1 Off at the same time, cancels Automation though. The next item is in Assist.
I will try tonight the browser selection with the “enter” key as you mentioned. I hope it will work.
For the AUTOMATION 1 STOP, I don’t understand your explanation. But I will wait for you coming back from holidays
It’s not very very important at the moment. I will make new test, with combination of commands…
Thanks for your quick answer. It’s really a great community !!… Automation 1 Stop (both as a keyboard command and the red stop icon on the Playlist) DO fade the audio and bring mAirList to a stop. Do you have a normal QWERTY keyboard with which you can play with ? I’ve only ever used Tipro keyboards.
Automation 1 Break does need a sceen indicator, I think that is on Torben’s “to do” list
Sorry for being confused. The problem let me confused lol. And translating it in English is quite difficult for me
When I click on STOP button, mAirlist fade the audio and stop. However, when I send the command “AUTOMATION 1 STOP”, nothing occurs.
I have a normal keyboard (sorry, I’m french so it’s an AZERTY keyboard lol). I will try with a hotkey, but even if it works, at least, there will not be a normal keyboard, but a custom keyboard. Others commands works perfectly, but this one seems to not respond…
I’ve a problem to go from “ASSIST” mode to “AUTO” mode. No commands gives me this action. From “AUTO” to “ASSIST”, the “AUTOMATION 1 ON” works (strange…), but not the reverse process
I’ve already try this command and it’s the same result : none !
Here is what I’d like to do : I have two customized button on my keyboard. One untitled “automation” and the other “assist”.
I would like the first one to turn mAirlist to “AUTO” mode, and the second one to turn it to “ASSIST” mode.
On the first one, I programmed “AUTOMATION 1 ON” and on the second one, I programmed “AUTOMATION 1 OFF”…
Does your “Automation” button have to actually start the audio as well ? If so, you can chain commands together - this is my “Go” button (like an RCS keyboard!)
Commands can be linked like this, so if you wanted 1 button to start 2 Cartwall items, you could use: CARTWALL 1 START;CARTWALL 10 START etc and as Cad has said, Auto On/Off is just a mode toggle - it doesn’t start/stop the audio, it just determines what happens when a track has finished.
I know that I can make sequence in commands, separating them with “;”…
But, if the command doesn’t work, it will also not work with another command after…
If mairlist doesn’t go through “AUTO” mode, the command “AUTOMATION 1 PLAY” doesn’t work.
Like for mix point, I’m very disappointed because mairlist has great features, lot of capabilities… But, it reveals some dark area that would lead me to give up…
Regarding the capability to insert an item to the playlist by the keyboard, unfortunately, I don’t manage to realize this action…
I program the ascii code in my keyboard to simulate an “enter” key press (as recommended by Tony)… but, this is effectless…
I try the ascii code :
10 - Line feed
12 - Form feed
13 - Carriage return
Yes, when I press the enter-key on my pc keyboard, it works fine. But, once again, at least, there will be only the RS232 keyboard…
I’m going to give up… I think I’m going to give… 4 days I’m made test on mairlist and nothing’s okay for me… Pfffff… :-\
Do you think I can access to selected item in browser in a mairlist script ??
Okay, I make a mea-culpa. I don’t know if it is said like this ;D
By the way, I make wrong parametrization of my keyboard. I shift the parametrization of 1 column. So I used to test a key that didn’t have been parametrized. The right key was next to the key, but not accessible. So, I parametrized the correct key and the “AUTOMATION 1 ON/OFF” and the “AUTOMATION 1 STOP” works perfectly. Yeah !!!
Sorry for my mistake and having blame mairlist for it :-
But now, there is the problem about the browser where I want to insert an item… What could should send my keyboard to simulate the “enter” key press ?
As mentioned earlier, I tested 3 codes effectless…
I verified : my keyboard well send the RETURN ou ENTER code, but in mairlist, it doesn’t impact the browser… so… any other idea ?
Edit 1 : Oh ! Can a mairlist script simulate a key press ? it would be great if it can.
Glad you have made some progress - about 99% of the problems new users face is a minor config issue such as a tickbox not selected (and there are many!)… This is par for the course and you’ll find many posts asking fairly obvious questions but to the newbie, seem like a real struggle.
I’m afraid that I do not know anything about the Enter key but I know what you want to achieve - I think we talked about this a while ago when touch screens were mentioned (to touch and load an item). I don’t know how flexible the Browser is as I believe it is a “Windows” object rather than something Torben has written so he may be limited to what commands he can offer. I’ve never used RS232 keyboards just the Tipro ones which interface nicely as they appear as a normal keyboard If you use eBay, you might find a cheap one as they often appear: I picked-up a KM128 for just 40 Euros a few month’s ago.
For loading an object from the browser, I suggest (by mail) to Torben to add a new command, like “BROWSER INSERT” for having a complete range of commands for the keyboard. It’s strange to allow to navigate and focus on the browser, without being able to load the item… I think, as Torben could intercept the event double-click(drag’n’drop) from the browser to mairlist to add the item, he could call the same method when the new command “BROWSER INSERT” is send to mairlist. I’m a developer too, and even if I don’t know the mairlist code, I think this is not a heavy development…
Waiting for this (if Torben agrees), I will use the standard keyboard shortcut for all the tasks… I will install a piece of software that translate RS232 commands in keyboard buffer…
For example, I program “CTRL + A” for “AUTOMATION 1 ON” in mairlist. I program “CTRL + A” in my keyboard.
And I load the little piece of software running in hiding mode. When I press a key on my keyboard, the piece of software (Serial_to_kb) send a standard keyboard buffer that simule the press on CTRL plus A letter… and mairlist knows that it’s a standard keyboard. It’s a solution…
It will work and will be my solution if Torben doesn’t agree with my suggestion.
I reply to myself but I found an excellent solution to my need.
I’m waiting for Torben’s answer (when he comes back from holidays), but I found a good solution to insert an item to the playlist, with my RS232 keyboard.
No need to use the keyboard shortcut and to install a piece of software that translate RS232 command in buffer keyboard… It’s too complicated.
I find a wonderful application untitled “AutoIt”. It allows users to create windows scripts for automating tasks… And it allows to create script for simulating keyboard key press… Great !!! I recommend you to see the website to know more :
I created a script that send a “enter key press”… One line in the script. No more. And AutoIt allows us to create a exe file, to launch the script like any standard applications !!.
After having created the exe file, I created a simple mairlist script that launch the “ShellExecuteHidden(“D:/My-windows-script.exe”)”.
At the end, I programmed, in my keyboard, the RS232 command “RUNSCRIPT D:/”, which launch the new exe file and simulates “enter” key press…
I’ve just tried this structure and all is perfect !!!
Now, my RS232 keyboard is completly parametrized and manipulate all the main mairlist features without needing a mouse or a pc keyboard (except for loading items in cartwall players, but it’s not my initial need…)
What do you think about it ? Wonderful, isn’t it ? ;D
I’m glad you got everything working, and I agree that AutoIT and its SciTe editor seem a powerful combination on a ‘quick look.’
What I still don’t understand is why you are using an RS232 keyboard? Is this a ‘special’ keyboard like an EPoS keyboard similar to (e.g.) Tipro? If so, does the keyboard itself have any software drivers which emulate standard PC keyboard keystrokes? That seems like it would be a LOT easier!
This is a RS232 keyboard. It is only linkable on a serial port. So, it can’t simulate keystrokes (without help of a piece of software like “Serial_to_kb”, I mentioned previously).
As I also explained, this keyboard used to be interfacing with RCS master control and Selector, into my old webradio station studio. Today, I don’t use those software anymore (my webradio doesn’t exist anymore), but I still own the keyboard and mairlist allows me to recycle it
But, only on serial port.