Cartwall Drop Downs V 2.2.0

Hi all,

Can anyone tell me how to add new/amend cartwalls to the dropdown menu at all please?



mAirListConfig -> Cartwall -> Favorites

Hi Torben,

I got that far but couldn’t then find the correct files, any thoughts?

  1. Load the audio files into the cart players as needed.

  2. Save the compilation as a “cart set” (.mlc) file using the “Save” button in the cartwall toolbar.

  3. Repeat steps 1+2 for all cart sets you wish to create.

  4. Register the .mlc files as favorites in mAirListConfig. Alternatively, place all .mlc files into a new folder and register that folder as a “favorites” folder. mAirList will add all .mlc files from that folder to the drop down.