Can't minimize mAirlist screen

After mAirlist has been running for several hours, at times I cannot minimize the screen. Clicking on the minimize button does nothing. It seems to happen mostly after other programs has been opened, used, and then closed. Any suggestions?

Thank You!

Regards, Alec

I now have a little more information on this problem. In Config Utility, I have ‘allow only one instance of mAirList’ enabled. If mAirList is running and then the program icon is clicked on again, the program can’t be minimized.

Here’s what happened: I have desktop icons for the mAirList program and database. I clicked on the mAirList icon and brought up the program. I minimized the program and then accidentally clicked on the mAirList icon again. I then maximized the program. After doing so, I could no longer minimize the program. I had to stop the players and close the program.

Regards, Alec

Thanks for this additional comment, which was in fact very useful. It’s some sort of Delphi bug, not handling the SC_RESTORE message correctly (that message is sent from the newly started instance to the running one to bring the window into foreground). I found a workaround, and everything should be fine again in Build 787.

Excellent Torben! Thank you!

Regards, Alec

There was another bug related to this issue: When the window was maximized, it was not possible to restore it to a non-maximized state.

This has been resolved in Build 827.

Very good. Thank you.

Regards, Alec M