I was going to post this in the feature requests but I wanted to first make sure these options are not available. I did all the digging I could do in the configuration and the preliminary English handbook.
[ul][li]A prompt to confirm you want to close the mAirlist program when clicking the X. The only time it does this is if you make a change to the desktop or playlist, but what if you don’t.
[/li][li]An option to add a modifier(shift, alt, or ctrl) when deleting playlist entries to basically protect from accidental deletion.[/li][/ul]
I can answer your first question but I don’t know about your second. Yes, you can add password protection. Once you click the X, a dialog will ask you for a password. Go to the config utility and find the passwords section. Enter the one for closing the program and it’s also a good idea to enter one to prevent users from going into the config utility.